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27-06-06, 20:34
do meds help with the dizziness/spaciness/light headed symptom? thats my worst symptom and it completely disables me, makes me nervous and makes me not want to do anything, even eat.

27-06-06, 21:16
Hi, there are meds that can help with dizziness etc. travel sickness pills can help. The other thing is to loosen tension in your neck and shoulder area which can affect the blood flow to the balance mechanism in the ear, making you feel dizzy.

Take care

'This too will pass'

27-06-06, 21:45
i just need some closure that i can get the dizzy feeling away for sure. i have a huge fear that ill have it for life and i just cannot live like this any longer. do you have any recommendations for over the counter meds or anything else? i just need to have comfort that i will go away eventually at least. are there any fast ways to get relief? any help would be great.

27-06-06, 22:05
It will go. I had that fear 4 years ago after a really bad vertigo attack that left me feeling spacedout everyday and i couldn't lie down either. But i am fine now. The ones that are for motion sickness - cinnarizine/stugeron they are called here are good but make you very drowsy. Try loosening the tension in neck and shoulders, roll them around, move your head around, i know it sounds awful but if you avoid moving your head too much it will make the dizziness worse when you do as you won't be used to moving your head in that way. That's what balance retraining was all about. If you feel nauseous with it ginger can help.

Take care

'This too will pass'

27-06-06, 22:25
i have a few questions if you dont mind. did the feeling just end up going away by itself? how long did it take for it to go? i dont think ive had a vertigo attack like you say you did. it started out where i felt a little lightheaded about a month and a half ago when i came home from being out for a few hours. although it was annoying it seemed somewhat managable. i used to not have it as bad. now in the last 3 days it just got worse and now its just horrible cause it never leaves ever. i have problems falling asleep and its killing me. so im thinking about going to the drug store to pick up that motion sickness medicine you mentioned. how well did it work for you? and how fast did it work? does it help the lightheaded feeling. like you know it feels like nothing is real and its just floating around. thats how i can explain it. i actually should stop keeping my head still. i notice it isnt as bad if i watch tv or look at the computer screen. i dont really feel nauseous with it but it makes me so nervous that it wont go away that it makes my anxiety really bad and gives me the "butterflies in stomach" feeling, and then i dont want to eat or anything. im supposed to go to a psychiatrist about anxiety very soon cause my doctor recommended me there to get diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and then to get meds from there cause the doctor said she cant give me a med for anxiety herself cause im only 16, but she said if i was 20 she wouldve had me on it already. do you think anxiety meds would help this dizzy feeling? thanks for everything.

marie ross
27-06-06, 22:47

How are you feeling now, i can understand how you feel because its such a horrible symptom of anxiety, and even now its the one that i hate the most. I still get days when i just feel dizzy all the time and i think that its something else.

I've had it for so long now that i know it won't hurt me, it's just scary. Try eating something every now and then, not big meals just snacks, if i don't eat for a while i get dizzy. Even if you don't feel like it. A lot of people in here have suggested bananas, that seem to do the trick!! I really hope that you feel better soon.

Take care.

Marie XXX