View Full Version : acupuncture - im healed

16-03-12, 16:26
Hi, i havent had my health anxiety long, only 7 months but i started a course of acupuncture last November, having treatments weekly then rudcing to once every 2 weeks, then once every 3 weeks then once a month and its actually rid me of my anxiety. I actually feel normal. Im not saying its gonna help everyone on here but i thought id share my experience incase it helps anyone else. It was quite expensive but i wanted to try anything before going on medication. I dont know if its gonna last but im just taking one day at a time, grateful everytime i have a normal day. I always expect the anxious feelings about fainting and heart attacks to come back but they just dont, ive even gone back to going to exercise classes at the gym and im actually enjoying them!

16-03-12, 16:31
Im having reflexology, hoping for some benefits from that too!
Hope you continue to feel good anyway!!

16-03-12, 17:00
I love accupuncture. I was lucky that my health insurance covered it for me. I'm always recommending it to people!