View Full Version : Have I been taking SSRIs for far too long?

16-03-12, 16:57
Hi everyone. I've been taking Citalopram since June 2006. My current dose is 40mg. Prior to this I've been on other SSRIs since my early twenties. I am now 35. Just recently I've been wondering about possible long term effects of taking them and have I been on them for far too long? Has anyone else taking SSRIs for such a long period of time and do you wonder if long term they're really doing you any good?

Thank you in advance

16-03-12, 22:51
Yes I wondered this too. Personally I think you have to balance the potential long term effects against the worse outcome of never taking them. For example, if I never started medication I might have done something stupid, or at best be still living a daily hell of an existence.

It would be interesting to know however if there are/were any studies on the long term effects of these.

16-03-12, 22:54
i took amitryptline for 9yrs, and long term effects on body not good... can damage central nervous system... meds reduce lifespan too if taken for life (apparently) but like said, some people would rather be on them for life, than be without them...
i came off mine 7 months ago...its not easy believe me... but meds only mask and dont cure you anyway...

18-03-12, 21:22