View Full Version : everyone tired

16-03-12, 18:45
dad is tired, mum tired and me yawning.
worried its because of carbon monoxie.
also dad been having nosebleeds which can mean high blood pressure.
boiler occasionly makes chainsaw noise

---------- Post added at 18:45 ---------- Previous post was at 18:32 ----------

im so scared again :(

---------- Post added at 18:45 ---------- Previous post was at 18:45 ----------

we are all lethargic/tired.

16-03-12, 18:49
Hi, please try not to worry. If it was carbon monoxide you would be feeling very ill, you wouldn't just be very tired. Nose bleeds are common in many people so I'm sure your dad is fine. If you don't have one already why not get a carbon monoxide alarm so you won't feel worried about this any more xx

16-03-12, 23:12
thanks Cassy :)

dont want to start new thread but this is still worrying me:

also still scared about this had a spilinter weeks ago went away left a brown mark whichcwent and the mark has come back larger than beforei picked scab of and it ome back bigger also felt it and its not a scab just a big brown mark

its been there about a month now...
and the brown mark is bigger than before it was a spilnter-scabbed-picked it off- then it came back huge

its not getting better or going. been weeks and weenks.

also pain in one side of knee now really bad

---------- Post added at 19:37 ---------- Previous post was at 19:29 ----------

dont understand over a month and no healing

---------- Post added at 20:01 ---------- Previous post was at 19:37 ----------

also wisdom tooth its coming through but not enough room for it to come through haha. they ache and bleed when brushing to. and feel funny after :(
started few days ago. saw dentist- salt water.

---------- Post added at 20:41 ---------- Previous post was at 20:01 ----------

gums around it are very sore and feel funny when eating/drinking

---------- Post added at 21:37 ---------- Previous post was at 20:41 ----------

thigh hurting badly now to...

I have a job interview on Monday and i dont want HA to affect it.

---------- Post added at 22:14 ---------- Previous post was at 21:37 ----------

all bottom teeth bleed badly when brushing around wisdom tooth. it was running down me from it.
it really stings and hurts to brush.:'( i was in tears brushing them they hurt so badly:(

---------- Post added at 22:18 ---------- Previous post was at 22:14 ----------

been to dentist allready.
was wondering on just under £10,000 from a potential new job would dental care be free?

this really is painful i told him that he said salt water but what if it spreads.
blood is everywere brushing all along bottom teeth on left hand side. and painful to. very painful.

---------- Post added at 22:22 ---------- Previous post was at 22:18 ----------

i've had enough of this now. its like a curse
I seriously don't want to be here anymore.

---------- Post added at 22:26 ---------- Previous post was at 22:22 ----------

in tears from this.
the sink was also full of blood and the amount even worried my mum.
been to dentist said yer yer salt water.
it has never been like this with the other 3 teeth :(
what if they decay i cant brush without tears.
this is insane.
i want out of it all.
I just want to sleep forever.
could really do with some help this evening

---------- Post added at 22:40 ---------- Previous post was at 22:26 ----------

also mouthwash stings like crazy.

---------- Post added at 23:12 ---------- Previous post was at 22:40 ----------

also is salt water before or after brushing?

16-03-12, 23:17
use salt water as a mouth wash, swish it around your mouth after brushing.. i put the salt in warm water...
i had bad time with my wisdom teeth too, they do bleed alot , and seems like more blood because its mixed with water and your spit.... try not to brush them too much...i had top ones taken out... but still got bottom ones....

16-03-12, 23:46
I know people who have gotten splinters or even had stabbed with a pencil by accident and the mark never went away. As long as it isn't infected - and you'd know it, it would be red and hot and painful- you shouldn't need to worry.

17-03-12, 09:57
thank you both :D
had a look at gums they look cut- everytime i brush aggravates it more-
should i leave it till it heals or it never will. i rubbed some paste on it with my finger.
cant use mouthwash using salt water but with a cut should I?
if i leave the area and dont brush that area till it heals will teeth decay?
im not in a position to be paying out loads on dentristy and i cant cope with the pain of tooth decay :(

---------- Post added at 09:48 ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 ----------

been up half the night looking in mirror at gum with lihgts on . everytime i woke id get up and check them.

---------- Post added at 09:57 ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 ----------

aslo can feel the cuts on gums....
im to scared of tooth decay not to brush though

17-03-12, 10:11
What did the dentist say when you visited recently Emma ?

17-03-12, 12:54
use salt water he said. keep area clean. overcrowded teeth wisdom tooth pushing others out. ive always had overcrowdedness

these cuts appeared after id been so dont know if to leave area till it heals x but i was only doing it gently.
my fear is pain from tooth decay. as i just cant brush their

---------- Post added at 12:54 ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 ----------

there defo cut. do i leave them until they heal?
i dont get it i do them so gently now. fed up with teeth i dont want them to decay!:@ from leaving the area though.
cant use any mouth wash stings so bad.
should i carry salt water on with cuts?:S will they heal quickly?
i can't afford a check up every week with the dentist.

17-03-12, 13:52
Hey Emma, you shouldn't be brushing your gums as such; if you use an electric toothbrush then you should be holding it at a 45 degree angle to you tooth and gently pushing it downwards and inwards to the tooth, so it just goes slightly underneath the very top of the gum line and slighty (a mm or so) over the edge of the gum). Actually this is hard to describe, you could look up effective tooth brushing on youtube or something ? If your gums are cut looking, then you are brushing them too much. My advice would be (and I am far from being a dentist) - Floss between your teeth, and invest in an interdental toothbrush (if you don't want electric then they are only a pound or so from chemists). They are the ones with the very small heads that people who have braces uses to get between the hardwear. You could use one to get to your wisdom teeth at the back.


Interdental brush
Normal brush
WArm salt water rinse
LEAVE WELL ALONE until your second brush at the end of the day !!!!

17-03-12, 14:12
Thank you. :)
Yes i scrub gums to hard from what you have described.
Until that area heals I will just brush very gently their on top of the tooth and follow the rest of what you said(or just leave it for a few days until they heal) and brush the rest
I guess because I saw my mum and dad loose teeth from tooth decay and the pain they were in I feel the need to severly brush and if i wait to they heal then it'll decay.(totally irrational as it takes years for that to happen really!) lol
I know what you mean. My dad actually has a spare few up stairs that I can use :)
Just a q how long do you reckon cut gums take to heal?
also when i drink it irritates the cut and eating

I hopefully start working next week (have left college) so no free dental care lol.

Thanks for your help :)

---------- Post added at 14:12 ---------- Previous post was at 13:58 ----------

Carys your descroption made perfect sense to me. Will do that from now on with my teeth and once healed will do it with the bottom ones.
Thanks :D
I did book an app for another few months time at dentist.:)

17-03-12, 18:49
The mouth can heal very quickly Emma, if given the right treatment. Within a few days those cuts should be improving. (my wisdom extraction site was sealed and healing within 3 days !) You can rinse with warm salt water quite a few times a day and lay off those gums !!! :yesyes:

17-03-12, 18:52
Thanks Carys :) really helped.
thats what i'll do to they heal. :) just wont brush that area.
just did it now it slightly irriated the cut haha.
was u using salt water the days after ur extraction?
out of interest how much does a tooth extraction cost?

macc noodle
17-03-12, 19:17

Maybe you will be entitled to some assistance with dental costs if you are on a low wage.

Perhaps you should ask your CAB to see if they can point you in the right direction.

Also, be kind to your teeth and especially your gums and give them a few days off from the contstant brushing and prodding and poking. Carys' advice to you was spot on and will help the gums to heal.

take care


17-03-12, 20:39
thanks Mac
just went to brush now and the top ones are now cut and bleeding despite the gentle brushing! :@ they hurt to even give a slight brush now.
this is driving me mad they were fine this morning!
If i could afford the check up price each week I would go haha.
I'm so scared of pain from tooth decay I cant not brush them.
must admit normally i brush badly but have stopped this now. gum was fine this morning went to do it now and oh it is cut :@. now i cant brush one whole side of mouth or eat or drink anything other than water. its really doing my head in now and i've had enough! i wasn't planning on seeing a dentist for another 3 months...why were they fine this morning and now this i brushed so gently!!! and its a different area. i can feel the cut and its aggrvated(here we go again :@!!!). another area i cant brush, another area to worry my whole mouth is going to decay.
Going to contact next week to see about dental care assitance.

Take Care x

---------- Post added at 20:28 ---------- Previous post was at 19:59 ----------

im so stressed out i cant beleive i have another damn cut.
im literally in tears.
fine this morning brushed so carefully and now this again :(

---------- Post added at 20:39 ---------- Previous post was at 20:28 ----------

also am i entitled to a HC2/3 form on about £10,000 a year?

17-03-12, 20:48
On £10,000 a year you will be able to pay for your own treatment, most dentists charge the standard NHS rates for NHS patients, it is only really expensive if you go privately, which you wouldn't need to do

17-03-12, 21:19
at my practice though they have posters saying £30 for check up, £200 for tooth extraction.
but thats more expensive than the standard NHS prices I think so dontget that lol.
Fed up with freaking gums at the moment lol. to scared of pain from decay not to brush teeth lol.also jsut pulled out this white stringy sticky thing from between teeth and got lots of it in mouth. i can see it all in mouth it feels nasty to :(

---------- Post added at 20:56 ---------- Previous post was at 20:52 ----------

bearing in mind my parents want 30 per cent of what i earn. so thats down to £7,000 then tax(if im on enough) and national insurance next.
they earn £45,000 between them a year

---------- Post added at 21:19 ---------- Previous post was at 20:56 ----------

told dad.
hadn't told parents yet about it
he rolled his eyes and said get over it:(

17-03-12, 21:36
what do u mean by cut? x

17-03-12, 21:43
like an ordinary cut (scratch) but on gums. preventing me from brushing. inscreasing fear of tooth decay..
upper gum one wasnt there this morning brushed gently and now there is one :(
emma x

17-03-12, 21:50
i find it hard to relate to because i have always had bad teeth, and its never really worried me.

I cant see how a cut is linked to tooth decay tho... i think you shouldnt worry yourself about it, it sound very minor. i know thats easier said than done tho xxx xxx
How many times a day do you brush??

17-03-12, 21:54
twice :)
but it was fine till i brushed gently and now its cut again lol....
im scared of tooth decay as now i have half my mouth i cant brush till it heals x

---------- Post added at 21:54 ---------- Previous post was at 21:53 ----------

also got all this white stringly stuff in mouth

17-03-12, 21:58
does it hurt that much? do u keep getting these cuts? have you eaten anything that could have scratched you ? xx
You may just have sensitive gums, its nothing major and you will not get tooth decay just from not brushing for a day or two while it heals xx

17-03-12, 22:05
yep keep getting them lol.
1st ones were brushing to hard but i was very very gentle today.
one side of mouth cant brush or use mouthwash lol x

---------- Post added at 22:05 ---------- Previous post was at 22:00 ----------

also white stuff in mouth is annoying me haha.

17-03-12, 22:10
still nothing to worry about tho xx :)

---------- Post added at 22:10 ---------- Previous post was at 22:09 ----------

plaque is always annoying ... dont worry aout it tho xx

17-03-12, 22:10
thanks ill try just hope it heals quick.
its the pain from tooth decay i worry over lol
and until it heals cant brush their its like going round in a circle had enough :( baffled why its happened again thoughb after gentle brushing.

17-03-12, 22:12
the pain is unpleasant i admit but you are doing what you can to prevent it.. if you are having regualr check ups then your fine.... really.... inetween times you shouldnt let it get to you xxx

17-03-12, 22:18
yep every 3 months at the moment...
however all this stuff keeps preventing me from brushing right thats what worries me lol.

i was ok until i went to brush gently and it happened in a differnt area again tonight its barking mad lol.

17-03-12, 22:21
well, we all have our fears dont we, but you have had tons of reassurance that its absalutely nothing to worry about... :) xx just annoying for you, nothing more x

17-03-12, 22:34
thanks hun yes we do haha :) x
been on citalopram a few weeks now.
have really good days a lot now but still some terrible days but the terrible days are less and a lot of stuff i can ratolianse now
white stringy stuff keeps coming out of mouth to.
today has been a blip tommorow WILL be better X

17-03-12, 23:06
fingers crossed for a better day xx

18-03-12, 11:14
brusshed teeth so gently this morning (like I would my 3 year old cousin when she stays)
and yet managed another cut on another area i now cant brush! with a soft toothbrush . didnt barley touch the gum or the exixsting cuts and there all aggrvatedagain :(.
so angry. could scream into a pillow

---------- Post added at 11:14 ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 ----------

why do i have yet another one :@
3/4 of my mouth out of use :yesyes: proberly be all of it tonight :yahoo:

18-03-12, 12:19
How are you managing to cut your gums by brushing gently ? I brush my teeth quite vigourously ( as I'm sure many people do ) and have never cut my gum with a toothbrush.

You are either brushing much too hard ( gentle soft brushing will not cut your gums ! ) or there is something wrong with the way you are doing it or the brush ?

18-03-12, 12:22
I honestly don't know. but it sure is hell annoying. I used a soft brush with soft gentle brushing :S... im not due to see a dentist for 3 months now *shrug*
My fear is now i cant brush most of mouth i will have decay soon lol
theres some areas i just cant touch at the moment from it
also only brushed my teeth and the slight edge of gums.
normally would brush very hard all over. maybe they are still healing from that.

18-03-12, 12:58
Emma - just spotted the bit where you said your parents want 30% of your income and you mentioned tax. You will have to pay tax on the amount BEFORE you give the money to your parents, so will be taxed on £10,000, not £7,000 as you said. However, the personal allowance from April is £7000 and something, so you'll get that bit tax free and be taxed on the other £3000.

18-03-12, 20:02
if my wage is 10,000 though wont i be taxed on that then whats left my parents have 30 per cent of that ?:S
worried my heart can not cope with all this stress (always fast and raised) and will have an attack/arrest

18-03-12, 20:09
The white stringy stuff is your cheek tissue coming off.. its VERY common.. and it happens more often with overuse of toothpaste and mouth wash. I get it all the time as do millions of people.

As for the tiredness.. you observe daylight savings right? That's a big culprit. The sun is setting "later" than it used to. Let's say you wake up at 8am typically... and for the last few months the sun has been setting around 6pm, which is 10 hours after you wake. Now the sun is setting 11 hours after you wake. It can throw your internal "clock" of a little bit, takes awhile to adjust.

18-03-12, 20:10
It depends what your parents mean, normally parents would want 30% of your actual take home pay, so what you have left after you have paid tax on it.

You won't actually pay much tax on what you earn, so should be left with around £750 - £760 a month, so they may expect about £250 from you, leaving you £500 a month spare, which at your age and living at home with no bills or food to buy is plenty.

18-03-12, 20:26
yer it is mike.
i dont disagree i agree i should and want to put something towards the upkeep of this house.
its also to give me some independence to things i want to do (travel) etc...
yes they mean about 20/30 per cent take home money.
dad said for every £100 bought home they would want £20 (changed his mind today to that)
im on min wage for 6 months (if i get the job) and then it would raise.
mum used to work their for 10 years.
interview tommorow (he said to show me around etc) he said if im not taken on he'll go through an angency for someone.

bottom gums healing nicely can brush there gently now :D.

however top one still a bother today (is it ok just to brush not the gum but the bottom of the tooth) till it heals.
i dont want to spend all my money on tooth decay repair...
i now brush gentlier and better than just scrubbing them like before.

---------- Post added at 20:26 ---------- Previous post was at 20:25 ----------

Mandy thank you.
that explains why it comes after brushing sometimes :D

19-03-12, 08:20
Flossing is much more important than brushing , so use floss and a water pick :)
Then ease up on the pressure of brushing.
You can get tooth brushes with soft brushes for sensitive gums.
Mouthwash is good to use before bed and only drink water once you're done.
As juice n food will damage your teeth over night.
Also sugar free gum is great after eating :)

20 ponds out of every 100 sounds fair .
Even better if you dont have to pay for food n other household things :)
Saving even a little is great. It really adds up over time , it makes you feel more secure too knowing you have money put away.

19-03-12, 16:57
Thanks Mishel.
yer brushing my teeth is the last thing i do before bed at night.
gums are healing nicely from the cuts doing what people said :D/

Also got offered the Job so very happy today-
hearts been racing all day and still is so im a wee bit scared but i'll be ok :D (i hope!)

19-03-12, 22:30
last q
will using listerine affect a cut healing?
i have one cut left now and it still bleeds a bit.
im not brushing that area just using listerine but i can feel the cut afterwards using it.
sometimes i accidently brush it and it bleeds.

19-03-12, 22:36
It will prob sting it a bit but dont think it would cause any damage? If anything it may act as an antiseptic, but dont overdo it though. Think maybe you need to give your gums a bit of a rest and leave them alone for a while? Just brush really gently and try not to go over the cut area with your tongue or anything, hugs Emma :hugs:

19-03-12, 22:39
Thank you.
yep using a tiny bit to clean the area and not brushing that area until it heals like i did with the rest.
Hopefully give it a couple of days it'll be no more:D
it doesnt sting just feels "odd" after hard to describe haha.
Hope you get on ok at docs tommorow.
Only time i can get to a doc/dentist is friday after 2pm.
work mon-thur 8am-5pm. fri 8am-1pm.

19-03-12, 22:49
Yeah I can imagine it does feel a bit odd in your mouth, but it will heal in time.

Thanks about the docs, am feeling pretty scared if I'm honest. I feel as though my body is now resistant to antiobiotics which is what I feared :/

Oh btw, cant you ask work for time to go for an appointment?

19-03-12, 22:52
i doubt that crystal-
some infections need two courses.
wouldnt worry your self over it x

yes- i don't need an app at the moment but if i ever did i could.
i've known the boss since i was a child and my mother worked for him for ages.
Thanks :)

19-03-12, 22:57
No probs :) Thats good that you know the boss.

Ive already had two courses of tablets, so am thinking negative now which isn't good. Maybe they will try a different one now, who knows..I will try not to worry tonight as there's no point!
Night x