View Full Version : Torn muscle in hip?

16-03-12, 22:00
I had to go up and down a really bad staircase in a friends house that is only partly complete and to avoid a banged head I had to be bent almost double while going up and down. I did this about 10 times and then after sitting for a couple of hours, when I stood up I could not put any weight on my left leg or I got a evil pain in front of left hip. I can swing my leg forwards and up no problem but agony to put out to side or put any weight on it so if I want to bend forward I have to lift that foot off floor.
My uncle who is staying is retired physio and he says that its where the muscle attaches to hip bones and could take up to 6 weeks to get better!! He has given me some exercise to do but its agony to do it.
I have done this once before about 12 years ago when getting up from a low sports car and it took months to get better:weep:

Has anyone else done this??

18-03-12, 19:31
Must have been a pulled muscle as much better today.