View Full Version : Can't shake this feeling!!!

17-03-12, 01:35
I can not shake the feeling that I'm not going to see the year out. I don't know how to explain it but sometimes someone will say something in conversation about doing something in a year or so and my brain instantly says "won't be here" before I realise I've even thought. Then the other day my sister my had a reading and was told that she would experience either a birth or death and I'm know linking this all up and tonight I'm scaring myself.

I have a little girl of 3 and a boy of 1 and the thought of not being around for them scares me so much. Please someone reassure me????

I tried CBT they told me I had an analytical brain and wouldn't need many appointments and so gave me appointments by phone. I felt completely brushed off but now having this feeling I don't know what to do. I just feel really lost

17-03-12, 09:28
If I was a psychic, I'd tell someone that they would either experience a birth or a death because everyone does - all the time - neighbours, colleagues, etc, etc.
The odds of a young woman dying are remote.
You will be OK

17-03-12, 09:46
Bit rotten about the CBT outcome,

I'm replying here because I have the same train of thought, I often question whether I will be here over the next three months to enjoy the holiday I have planned with my girlfriend, all of the nice things which I want to experience in my life - but I have been feeling this way for a while, and I've always proved wrong my "expectations".

In the state we are in when anxious about many aspects of health and life/death I think it's perfectly normal to often assume we may not be around, after all, if we are capable of convincing ourselves somethings wrong when it isn't surely that assumption would almost be a logical step.

Also, with regards to the birth/death reading, don't read too far into it, sometimes I can be so suggestible to the tiniest things, such as "swearing on ones life" taken into a very literal sense, just take things as they come and remember you will only shake that feeling of impending doom when you accept that it's normal for the circumstances you are in...

When things get better for you, you will be able to see with more clarity and realize you will be around for a long time to come.

Hope this helps

17-03-12, 10:18
Having anxiety you are making a big mistake having anything to do with psychics or any other person who tells fortunes, even if it was your sister that had this reading, tell her in future not to tell you...seriously ! Those with anxiety will feed their illness from this type of input. I think you are having 'nothing more' (in commas because it is not that easy to deal with) than an invasive/intrusive thought; so if you read the information down the left of the page about invasive/intrusive thoughts it should help you to understand a bit about it. You will be here, but I can see why the thought is scaring you. Take Care

17-03-12, 23:44
Thank you for your reply's. I have been googling all night about this feeling. I stopped googling symptoms months ago but I can't get over this. I don't have any abnormal anxiety symptoms but this feeling (which is very string tonight) is freaking me out. Could it be anxiety?

18-03-12, 00:31
Thank you for your reply's. I have been googling all night about this feeling. I stopped googling symptoms months ago but I can't get over this. I don't have any abnormal anxiety symptoms but this feeling (which is very string tonight) is freaking me out. Could it be anxiety?

Of course its anxiety no question about it . I went through the same its only time and help that resolves this imho .

I,ve been through it and once your mind is fixed on something its very very difficult to get back on track .

Don,t google anything and try to distract yourself everytime you get this feeling / thought , i know its hard and it can take months but you will get there .


18-03-12, 17:46
Yes, absolutely anxiety, I am positive. It is an invasive/intrusive thought which you are becoming obsessional about. Sorry, its hard isn't it when you can't retreat from thoughts, they feel overwhelming.

20-03-12, 01:08
Yes Carys I feel absolutely trapped in this cycle at the minute, although I have felt better today the thought is always there in the back of my mind.

20-03-12, 03:36
Hey there! What exactly do you fear is going to happen to you? Usually people will google a symptom, lol, like dizziness...but fearing that you aren't going to make it to 2013? You've got it stuck in your head that something is going to happen to you, and this thought is so discomforting that you cannot stop thinking about it!. I'm sure you are healthy and you are not going anywhere:flowers: