View Full Version : Obssessing terribly

17-03-12, 11:09
Hi guys,

I've been doing really well for a while but there's something that I feel is taking over my life and I'm not coping.

You may recall that a while back i was having a few swimming lessons to improve my strokes and help me float. As a runner, my legs tend to sink so I wanted to just master a way of doing it!

I obsessed to the point of being in a state about it. I booked a one day intensive course and was almost traumatised in the weeks leading up to it. However, this wasn't due to a fear of water. I'm not scared of it (within reason) but was more terrified that I wouldn't be able to do it!

So, I went along to the one day course and I have to say it was useless. Everyone on her website testimonials has stated how they were water phobic yet within one hour they were gliding across the pool. You can imagine how rubbish I felt when I came out 4 hours later (she cut my lesson short by 45 mins!) having achieved nothing. It almost seemed to me as though once she knew I was a challenge, she couldn't be bothered. She spent half of the lesson chatting in her pool about herself claiming that it works to 'relax you in the pool'!

At the end of the 'lesson', she advised that I simply mess around in the water for now!! I was appalled and have never felt such a failure. The thing is, I can actually swim, albeit poorly, but I'm water confident and almost there. I just need some help!

I'm now obssessing even more and feel like I'm a complete lost cause! I'm pretty sure she was a conman in the sense that she was so quick to grab the money yet couldn't be bothered to teach me, but I know I'm more advanced than she made out. She pretty much gave up when she couldn't make me float!!

I don't even know why I'm obssessing! My partner and I (who I haven't told as I'm embarrassed and just don't want to!) go away and all you really do on holiday is have a splash and play in the sea and pool, maybe swimming a few strokes! I'm equipped or that so whats the problem?!!

I don't want this to continue taking over my life. I plan to go with my Mum as I get more from her than any teacher, and just enjoy the water. I'm still so anxious though! It's as though I have an exam coming up that I'm nervous about!!!

Please help me see logic here...

Love to you all :)

18-03-12, 10:40
Can no-one relate? :(

18-03-12, 14:56
You are just thinking about it too much. Thats what an anxious mind does. In a way she is right just splash around relax and enjoy the water. If you tell yourself this is hard i cant do it and so on, you wont do it. Just relax and say to yourself who cares i'm going to enjoy the water. It's just an anx mind thinking far far too much about things that actually don't really matter x

18-03-12, 14:59
You're so right. I know this but it's so hard to stop. I think I'm worried that on my honeymoon I'll have to swim or something. It's really weird, as though my life depends on it! Who CARES really!!!

18-03-12, 15:01
Exactly. You havent failed as you didnt drown lol. But seriously who cares honeymoon is for fun and happiness. So what if ya spash around a bit in the water. Do you think it matters? Some people don't have anx and can't or don't like water or swimming. I doubt it ruined all their honeymoons. Have a wonderful honeymoon and splash around like nobody is watching. x

19-03-12, 15:55
Thanks GT. Appreciate it. xxx