View Full Version : can som,e one please tell me if this anxiety

17-03-12, 12:49
hi ive had anxiety for a few years nowand at times its been really bad but ever since i had to go in to town last week on my own and felt really bad my legs felt weak pains in my back felt really hot and i felt i just wanted to cry because the way i was feeling as i didnt want to feel like the way i was and yeasterday i went to my friends house to get my hair cut and felt really anxiouse and again i felt i wanted to cry and then my son asked me to babysit for him last nite and it happened again but he foned and said that he didnt want me last nite but will i do it toite and since ive got up this morning ive been anxiouse and feel as iwant to cry because i should feel like this everytime ihave to do something. ive never felt like before with wanting to cry over the way im feeling and its worring me abit why im like it . ive been under a lot of stress later and idont know weather its cause of that or its something else can some one please give me any advice

17-03-12, 13:58
Hi Tricia, poor you - this definitely sounds like anxiety to me. When you are really stressed you just get to a point where you snap and even the most seemingly simple things become insurmountable objects and you feel like you just can't cope with anything. It sounds as though you need to get some help at this point to help you through, whether it be CBT, behaviour therapy or medication if you want to go down that route. First step might be to talk to your GP next week.
Good luck and try and take it easy over the weekend, and don't be too hard on yourself.

17-03-12, 15:20
hi thk you morning blues i dont take meds im too scared to and had cbt about a year ago but i will go back to my doc next week to see if i can get some couciling or some more cbt

17-03-12, 15:48
Hi tricia, this is just my personal opinion but do you think you may have a touch of depression? I have only experienced crying with my anxety once a few years ago when GP diagnosed depression, I didnt feel depressed myself but I obviously wasnt coping as well with my anxiety as I thought and the stress led to mild depression.... But like I say I could be wrong and other people may offer you better advice from their own experience.

17-03-12, 21:59
Anxiety and depression are two sides of a coin - they go hand in hand. The treatments should help both - it's all about adapting your behaviours and responses to help you cope better with situations you find yourself in. The GP should go through both anxiety and depression scoring before advising treatment - I used to score highly for both, though quite often they alternated with a period of anxiety/panic follwed by depression, but I was very tearful with the anxiety too.
Let us know how you get on Tricia,

18-03-12, 10:36
Anxiety and depression are two sides of a coin - they go hand in hand. The treatments should help both - it's all about adapting your behaviours and responses to help you cope better with situations you find yourself in. The GP should go through both anxiety and depression scoring before advising treatment - I used to score highly for both, though quite often they alternated with a period of anxiety/panic follwed by depression, but I was very tearful with the anxiety too.
Let us know how you get on Tricia,
Totally agree with you morning blues.... I have learned to cope with my anxiety/panic attacks and have not suffered depression since, the guilt and feeling a failure contribute greatly to depression and once I came to terms with those I felt much better.