View Full Version : jolting when falling asleep ????

angel wings
18-03-12, 14:50
Was wondering if anyone else experienced this ,last night whilst going into sleep mode my whole body jerked like an electric shock feeling i have had it before but last night it happened 4 times got me a bit worried :shrug:

18-03-12, 14:53
This is common with everyone not just anx people. Ask anyone thye would have had this. It's ok. Your body is in a high state of anx it will be worse. nothing to worry about. x

18-03-12, 15:26
I often experience this....its quite normal and very common.

You are fine.:)


angel wings
18-03-12, 15:48
thanks guys puts my mind at rest felt as if i had be put on a defibrillator !!!

19-03-12, 18:15
Yeah its very strange when it happens to me, never experienced it before I had anxiety though.

19-03-12, 18:19
yes angel i get this....frightening is'nt it, so your post has put my mind at rest too xx

19-03-12, 18:26
Its a bug*er, just when you need to sleep. I had it when my anxiety was at its worse, it will go away when your anxiety reduces.

angel wings
19-03-12, 19:12
Ahh thanks everyone it is so reassuring to hear others get this too,it does scare me sometimes and is so annoying cause i find it hard to get back to sleep but didnt happen last night must have been extra anxious that night :wacko:

pink glad it put your mind at rest too scary what your body does sometimes !!!

19-03-12, 19:25
Angel wings, i suffered this for the first time last tuesday, theses jolts happened 4 times in that night, i scared myself so much that i didnt sleep hardly for 4 nights in a row, doctor told me it was my anxiety, drink Camamole herbal tea, also have a glass of milk before bed, it worked for me last night had the best nights sleep, im still getting the jolts but i know its my anxiety and i really have to just let it go. It is scary though xx

angel wings
19-03-12, 19:44
yer i did have a horlicks last night maybe that done the trick !!!! :)

19-03-12, 19:47
i tried horlicks for the first time last night it smelled vile, il had a few sips and threw it away so just had a glasss of cold milk, iam worried everynight now tho that i will have these jolts again just need to reassure myself

angel wings
19-03-12, 19:55
i know it doesnt smell to good does it but if it works ill try anything lol

19-03-12, 20:29
I get this from time to time. Its the same sort of thing as dreaming your being chased by a dog or something and then you suddenly wake up with a jump.

I was once told that this is because your heartbeat has slowed down too much and its your body's way of keeping its rhythm steady ( or something like that anyway), but its normal and harmless. Sorry if that worsened things for you!

20-03-12, 00:39
Hypnic jerks are normal but frightening if you have anxiety.
it goes back through evolution and our close relatives the apes still use this for protection. they get them to stop them falling out of trees when asleep, that's why we often get them while dreaming of falling or tripping etc.
so it's inbuilt in all of us.
hope that helps! x

angel wings
21-03-12, 22:03
well i spoke to the dr today and along with a load of other stuff i mentioned the jolting and his said it is most probley my meds cit causing them ???? wasnt expecting him to say that ...he said not to worry about them :)

21-03-12, 22:09
Super common! :D

Get this often when almost falling asleep

21-03-12, 22:28
I have had this on and off for years since I was 23 (I'm now 42). It's pretty common, but unsettling I agree. If your anxiety or stress levels are up it's more likely to happen.

Take care, NattyOne.