View Full Version : Citalopram and zopiclone

18-03-12, 17:40
Hi I've been on citalopram 20 mgs for the last 6 days and just started taking zopiclone my panic attacks have gone through the roof I was wondering if the 2 combined have made me worse or is this normal from the cit as I'm pretty scared now has any one else been throuh this ?

18-03-12, 17:42
Hi citalopram is known for heightening your anxiety when you start it and you've started off on quite a high dose really, people tend to start on 10mg as the side effects can be pretty nasty xx

18-03-12, 17:50
Thanks I'm kinda worried as my doctor want to put me on 40 mgs in a few weeks as I have it pretty bad do u know how long these side affects last for and are they worth it ?

18-03-12, 17:54
they usually last about a week to 2 weeks and with every increase they can come back a bit but no where near as bad as the beginning! citalopram worked fantastic for me in the past it gave me my life back but unfortunatly my second time on them they didn't help at all so im now on venlafaxine but citalopram is a very good anti anxiety med xx

18-03-12, 18:04
Thanks it's my first time on these type of meds only took the odd pain killer before . I'll keep at it for a few more weeks and see how it's goes anything got to be better than how I feel cheers you have been helpful x

18-03-12, 18:50
good luck xx

18-03-12, 20:18
I don't suppose anyone else knows what other antidepressants are out there that can be combined with the anti craving drug camprol as on these and understand I'm limited to what I can take . Just in case I don't get on with citalopram thanks

18-03-12, 20:27
just had to google campral as wasn't sure what it was lol, im sure your gp will beable to guide you if you don't get on with citalopram but im sure you will once these dreaded side effects tail off xx

18-03-12, 20:41
Thanks again looks like I'm prob gonna be on something for a long time due to the damage alcohol left me with just wanna see what my options are found u and this site very helpful thanks a lot good to know I'm not the only one x

18-03-12, 20:53
I have been on Cit for 8 weeks now. The first 2 weeks were horrible but I stuck with them and I am starting to feel that they are working now. I have the odd day where I am not so good but I sleep really badly and I am a single parent which as wonderful as it is being a Mum can sometimes be really tiring when you are doing it all on your own.

Good luck and stick with them x

18-03-12, 21:09
Thanks Sophie I'm gonna stick with cit I've almost done a week now things shud start getting better in a week or so as I don't think i could go through the side affects again as there pretty harsh one day at a time I think I feel better knowing I'm not the only one with the side affects