View Full Version : Supporting Someone With GAD

18-03-12, 18:18
Hi all,
I've been doing some research on anxiety and panic attacks and stumbled upon this forum. I have a very close friend who after much persuasion made and an appointment with his GP, explained his feelings and symptoms and has just been diagnosed with GAD. I'm looking for some advice on how best to support him and what steps I can take to help him along the way so I guess I'm asking how to do you get support? Or how do you wish you were supported.
Thanks for your time.

18-03-12, 18:35
How lovely that he has you for support Pj. As a sufferer, all I can say is just being there is probably the best support, and steer clear of saying things like 'pull yourself together......come on don't be stupid'.....etc. Let him take things at his own pace and encourage and praise him when he needs it. Remind him how well he is doing and be patient. He is lucky to have a friend like you :) Kitti x

18-03-12, 19:18
Thanks Kitti. I wouldn't be anywhere else. We read through a couple of booklets together and discussed some of the signs I can look out for. He said a big one with him is depersonalisation so I'm hoping if i can spot some signs I can offer to be there for him quicker. Thanks for taking the time to pass on your advice.

18-03-12, 19:37
Hello pjsgurl. Like kittikat has said be as supportive but try doing so without your friend relying solely on you. He needs to try be as independent as possible. Something i did was bought two books a small one and a big bigger one and in the small book get him daily to write down his negatives through out the day and the big book his positives. Basically what he done well that day and what he can do better next time. I was agoraphobic for 5 years and also i'm not 100% i'm a lot better than i was at my lowest point. And like me your friend may feel it is a waste of time writing it all down but get him to persevere and look back over it say fortnightly and i'm sure it'll benefit him before he knows it. Remember support and encouragement but the hard work must be done from him. he'll get out what he puts in. Good luck

Darren :)

18-03-12, 19:53
Thanks for the advice Darren. I understand where you're coming from about him having to do the work. The idea about writing pos and neg feelings down sounds like a great idea. I'm going to send him in the direction of this forum anyway.


18-03-12, 20:07
You're welcome pj. Get your friend to join this site because there is so much help on here from the members and have been through it and are still going through it.

Darren :)

18-03-12, 20:31
I'll definitely get him to join here.
Thanks again,