View Full Version : Anyone feel like this?

18-03-12, 18:39
Hi all,

After a few days continuous busyness and a bit of stress, do you feel like a truck hit you the next day? Tired so much its hard to stay awake, feel generally unwell and shaky...

Jodie x

18-03-12, 22:50
Hi Jodie
Sometimes i do feel tired especially when anxiety is high. If you feel unwell the best thing would be to consult a doctor you may have a virus or a temperature.
Hope you feel better soon
Shelly x

19-03-12, 08:19
Thank you Shelly x

20-03-12, 13:37
I totally feel like this after the week. I work and then am a student full time, so I have some long 12-13 hour days. By the time the weekend hits, i just fall asleep so early and sleep in so late. It's hard to get off the couch. Throw anxiety into the mix and it's even worse.

23-03-12, 22:06
Yes, I definitely feel like this towards the end of the work week. My GP said it's normal - your body is on high alert when you're anxious so it's consuming a lot of energy which makes you feel more tired.

Right now I feel so tired and achy like a cold but I think it's just from anxiety.