View Full Version : HELP!!!!

28-06-06, 05:42
OK I just wrote on here for like 20 minutes explaining my feelings of the little things that set me off spiraling into uncontrolable tears and feelings of not being able to take anymore, when I clicked post, it said I needed a Subject and I clicked where it said to and that whole frigging message I typed waqs gone. Can't get it back and it's this type of **** that just proves to me that nothing goes good for me and my life sucks and the type of thing that sets me into a downward spiral of tears and abandon. Please if someone out there has severe mood swings along with uncontrolable tears and upset at not such opportune times, please let me know! I need to know I am not alone! (maybe even learn what the hell is exactly wrong with me)

28-06-06, 05:46
Hi and welcome to the site :)
It is such a downer when everything seems to go wrong!! It's usually the things that we have the least control over which makes it even more frustrating !!!
You are definitely not alone!!! I'm sorry you are having a rough time. If you need to talk - feel free to pm me :)

28-06-06, 07:20
Hello and welcome to the site. Sorry to hear you're having a rough time, you'll find lots of friendship and support here to help you through.
Love Helen

28-06-06, 07:39
Hi there onefemneedshelp - I know what you mean- I typed pages to the forum yesterday and accidentally hit the wrong button on my keyboard and wiped out 15 minutes of typing so ended up not bothering!!!

I cry and get really down a lot too but when I feel that way I imagine someone was talking to me and they would be saying " look at all the great things in your life. ,..." and then Id count them out and usually found there were millions of people worse off than me - then I would look at a beautiful flower or butterfly or whatever int he garden and think - these creatures all get on with life and they only live for a few days or weeks - all this is passing me by....
I know it sounds really soppy this but it makes you think.
Good luck and use this site as its really helpful. Love wenjoy x

28-06-06, 07:49
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Take care



28-06-06, 08:21
Hi :D


There are lots of nice poeple here who will help and support you.



When you fear something
learn as much about it as you can
knowledge conquers fear.

28-06-06, 08:58
Hi and welcome.
Crying is a naturel part of being an emotional woman, dont you think!!!!

Hay x

28-06-06, 09:30

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

emma chant
28-06-06, 10:39

Welcome 2 the forum.
Your not alone, i'm here very upset been crying since 8am.

e chant

28-06-06, 17:16
Hi, chin up, it'll get better. Just chat to people and have a laugh and a Joke. It's working for me and I've had some bad downers

Dave : )

28-06-06, 20:37
hi sorry your feeling bad today.

i like what you said wenjoy, this is how i feel better, life really is too short! if you imagine yourself dead tomorrow - that's a bit upsetting if your frightened of dying, well i am and i would have thought most people were!! but also a good motivator to push on even when you don't feel like it, you have to try and find some peace and this way works for me all the time, i just think 'i could be dead tomorrow, what am i doing to my life?' or i think to myself it's like being dead anyway so i've got to keep trying to get to where i want to be - it's working for me even if it is a bit morbid! sorry

this thinking is what is causing your probs - all or nothing thinking, it may be. you think that because something went wrong it's another indicator that your useless, and it filters out reality, it is very damaging to you as a person and you must stop it!!

i know as did it to myself for years, don't now and feel like a real human again.

you can get better, but also emotions are a good thing like hayles said although sometimes not appropriate and out of context.

hope we can help you to get better

love emmas

28-06-06, 21:12
Hello Onefemneedshelp,
The same thing happened to me when I posted my message too without a subject, so its just one of those frustrating things!!

Yes, I have mood swings too, so you are definately not alone!!

Hope today has been a bit better!!

Sue K with 5
28-06-06, 22:43

welcome to nmp i think u will find nmp is going to be of huge help to you i remember feeling the same way as you a long time ago when i found nmp

keep posting

sue with 5


28-06-06, 23:05
Hi and welcome, sorry you are feeling so low, but you are in the right place and amongst people who understand what you are going through. Mood swings are quite common with anxiety. You'll find lots of support here

Take care

'This too will pass'

30-06-06, 18:29
Hi there

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here. Hope we can be of some help.

There are loads of great people on here and you will get all the support you need.


30-06-06, 20:05

Welcome to the forum. Sorry you are feeling down, just try and keep positive. You will find lots of help and support on here.

x x