View Full Version : Normal to get the MMR 3 times?

18-03-12, 21:52
Reason I ask - I had the usual MMR when I was tiny followed by a booster just before starting school. Had the MeninC at school, BCG and a DipTetPolio at fourteen I think.. Had HPV jabs done in 2008/2009.. Now - all that seems normal right?

But I had a third MMR at seventeen done, for some reason, noone has ever been able to explain why. I was sent a letter telling me I needed one, my GP surgery organised it - which seems odd looking back as surely school nurses will organise that?

Have never met anyone since who had three lots - not even my younger sister! So am very confused - is it at all normal? Worth asking the doc next time I'm in if I am remembering things wrongly or if it actually happened? (although I clearly remember getting the letter!)

And if it did happen, can it have any odd effects - like cancelling out any immunity? Or am I just super-immune? http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/images/smilies/biggrin.png