View Full Version : Does anyone ever experience these strange symptoms?

18-03-12, 22:13
I believe I have anxiety, especially social anxiety. I get some common symptoms like:
Feeling paranoid people are staring at me and judging me
Feeling I walk funny sometimes when I'm feeling anxious in public
I feel I have a tensed & worried expression on my face in public
Not being able to hold eye contact with people
Always looking down or away from someone I'm talking to
Not knowing where to look when on the train, walking in a busy place etc...

If I ever walk past people and hear laughter I instinctively think it must be directed at me!

But sometimes I get a really dizzy split second moment almost like a blackout whenever I think about or actually say something like a bad insult or get in an argument and say something really bad! Its hard to explain, does anyone know what I mean by this?

I also noticed in the past year I get panicky being a passenger in a car sometimes especially when the driver goes downhill and accelerates! Its like I suddenly look up, see I'm accelerating downhill and my whole body starts tensing up and I start sweating and my legs push hard downwards trying to brake!!

I probably am making these symptoms sound worse than they actually are, I'm not a complete nervous wreck lol but can anyone relate to any of the above sensations?

18-03-12, 22:24
yep anxiety by the sounds of it , feel pretty similar myself when highly anxious

19-03-12, 18:55
You've besically just described all my symptoms. Especially the weird dizzy feeling when you're in an argument. I've always just attributed it to anger and getting freaked out during arguments because I don't like confrontation.
I get really nervous when I'm in the car, I start imagining situatuions where the car crashes and what it would feel like etc. It's really horrible.
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