View Full Version : Münchausen syndrome

18-03-12, 22:24
Hi All. Has anyone on here with HA ever read anything about Münchausen syndrome and Münchausen syndrome by proxy. Because i knew someone with that condition and reading some posts on here sound very much similar. Might be worth looking into for some?

Darren :smile:

18-03-12, 22:32
Would you like to explain what it is?

19-03-12, 01:43
That is right but i'm not suggesting anyone is hurting there babies that is a bit extreme but taking there children to the doctors say or asking others if they think there children look ill? My girl cousin i think had it because she has got 5 kids and they always had some kinda (imaginary) illness wrong with them. And basically is was just attention seeking. Its just i read the forums on here and it doesn't matter what another members reply will be, the person asking will nearly always not agree and ask the same question again and again.

Anyway just thought i would mention it on here.
Sorry if i have offended anyone reading this post, its probably that i really don't understand health anxiety but i'm still learning...

Darren :)

19-03-12, 07:52
I do think people with it are aware they are doing it and why.
Like making them selfs or others sick on purpose .

Where as with health anxiety you fear you or others are actually ill :)

rock chick
19-03-12, 08:53
The reason I suspect there's people who can't find reassurance for what they feel may be physically wrong with them isn't that they are faking it for attention (that's one of the symptoms of what you're talking about but often they'll harm themselves, a lot of HA suffers are scared of being harmed or sick, so it's almost reversed with that) but rather they are in such a bad way in their mind they simply can't stop obsessing on what they worry it may be.

It's not too different than if someone with with a phobia for example, people can encourage them to try lots of techniques to help overcome it but they are so convinced they can't overcome it they feel they are not helpful to them even if they wanted them to be.

19-03-12, 09:02
Thank you mishel and rock chick. Now i do understand more what HA is. Sorry to anyone with HA for being so ignorant. HA and MSbP are has you have pointed out are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

Darren :)

19-03-12, 15:38
As stated above, Hypochondria/Health Anxiety is different in that the person truly believes that there is a problem, the symptoms for that person are real. That is why it can be so terrifying/debilitating.

Munchausen can be confused with HA but it is different. An example would be my grandmother, who is happiest when she is unhappy. The goal is attention, but not necessarily somebody experiencing true symptoms.

19-03-12, 15:55
Yup i know someone with this and she makes illnesses up for attention. She is a lovely person but this is a different side to her. An example of her 'lies' is...

" I have Cancer..I have to go for further tests but in the meantime, my GP has given me something to take". There was no illness and no doctors appointment or medication.


I had to go into hosptal in the middle of the night for an operation as i was in so much pain. In order for this to happen..

A. A surgeon would have to be stood there waiting on her.

B. She couldn't have eaten before hand and i know she did.

C. She was out doing her garden at 8am after this so called op.

It's horrible when you have a friend like this because you want to tell them that you know they are lying.

It's not just illness they fake. It can be anything that draws attention to themselves.

It's a difficult one this.


19-03-12, 22:01
I have HA and I don't do it for attention, usually its just my husband I tell my symptoms to and no one else. I don't even attend the Drs that often. Its just a very real fear that everytime I get a symptom I always fear the worse and start obsessing with it to the point where I worry myself sick.

I know someone with Münchausen by proxy making up loads of illnesses for her children and then goes around telling EVERYONE and the school, Drs e.t.c when the conditions are not true. She just likes all the sympathy and attention because TBH shes not a really nice person so this is the only way she can get attention oh and shes on cruthes herself and usses a motorrised scooter for her 'back' problem ( shes had alsorts wrong with herself too ) but catch her without it and she can walk perfectly normal.

19-03-12, 22:09
There is a massive difference between HA and MBP...They are completely different conditions.

HA is a condition where someone is genuinely worried about health issues and MBP (as i know it) is a person who would create a false condition either from themself or a family member (usualy a child) to gain attention, sympathy even though this is also an illness, it's seen to be wrong and selfish. Certainly people on the recieving end see it as this and it can difficult to see it otherwise.


rock chick
20-03-12, 01:31
Okay basically I decided to pull Wikipedia (I know, not the most accurate for these sort of things but they are generally correct enough) articles on both, just to explain the whole thing to show the massive difference, I know most already know but it just explains the lesser understood (no offence to anyone here, I just mean in general) Münchausen syndrome in more detail.

I already knew quite a bit about it because since a teenager I was interested in mental illnesses so I've done various research on them on and off since, I remember finding Psychology in year 10 (yeah distance ed offered that), 11 & 12 a bit disappointing because so much of it reminded me of science and biology, I was looking more for the mental bits (not just illnesses but things like personalities theories, etc. that were only briefly covered) if that makes any sense.

Anyway I'll stop rambling and here's the links:

But I do also recommend the Health Anxiety article on this site as a great info source for HA as well!

20-03-12, 09:39
It's obvious...HA involves anxiety, the other doesn't :D