View Full Version : We're do I start

18-03-12, 23:23
Well was good this morning woke up went to a car show had 2 coffees and a bacon butty then few hours past I had a bacon cheese burger and a tea .

So then I went home felt abit anxious why I don't no :mad:

So decided to try lay down that dident work either I got up and threw up something rotten and then boom anxiety kicked well in.

So I ordered a Indian takeaway to make sure I was fed for the day not felt right since but now I feel very anxious feel like my stomach is going to explode feel sick my temples are kind of cramping strain not sure how to explain that one but at the minute righting this I'm in a panic i don't feel good atall :weep::weep:

Please help I'm panicking on m iPad as well so can't get in chat room

18-03-12, 23:45
Breathe slowly and deeply or into a paper bag if you are hyperventilating. Remember, all the things you are experiencing are normal reactions to panic. Are you alone? If so you will be more frightened which will make your panic worse. It will pass. Good luck :hugs: Kitti x

18-03-12, 23:57
Sorry you are struggling, I'm feeling v panicky myself at the moment and its not nice is it :weep: Hang in there and try to rest and get some sleep, we will hopefully feel better in the morning.

macc noodle
19-03-12, 07:13
Hope you have woken up this morning feeling a bit better?

To be honest it sounds like you gave your stomach a fatty overload yesterday with a caffeine boost too - if you suffer a sensitive stomach when you eat fatty foods (do you have IBS?) then you have probably self induced this attack and should think about cutting down on the number of fats taken in in one day!

It could also be that you have either got a stomach bug or one of the takeaway meals was not quite right.

Either way, drink plenty of fluids and try to keep calm.

If you are still sick in another 24hrs ring the docs for advice - at the moment they would just say plenty of fluids and no food for the day I am sure.

Take care


19-03-12, 07:47
2 coffees and tea , the caffeine will speed up your heart rare which can cause anxiety.
The bacon and Indian food is high in fat , salt, sugar , that can give you tummy issues.
If you're not eating fruit n veg , take a multivitamin as bringing slightly slow in vitamins can give all sorts of crazy symptoms.
Also it's common to have anxiety after a big day out or doing anything stimulating .

I'd make a note of any food that makes you feel ill.
I can't eat yogurts , almost every time I feel sick a few hours later .

19-03-12, 22:44
Hay guys yes feeling better now thank you all xxx