View Full Version : Spilt juice down keyboard and mouse

19-03-12, 06:34
I splilt some juice down my keyboard and mouse under my speaker and next to my moniutor stand will it be okay? I'm worried it's got into wires or when I go to work if some gets dripped in? The keyboard still works but still worried.. :blush:

macc noodle
19-03-12, 07:06
It it was too wet then it would have stopped working almost straight away Phil.

Is it a tower system ? if so turn your keyboard upside down before you go to work and on an angle so that any residue juice can drain away.


19-03-12, 07:50
Hmm as long as it works it should be ok :) happens to most of us !
If your key board does stop working you can buy a plug in key board too .

19-03-12, 08:05
I generally end up having to buy a new keyboard every few months after tippint water or coffee over it ! Keyboards, and mice work on very small voltages, so there is no danger at all from them.

If they are still working, then its only a bit of surface water, so let them dry out and they should be fine. You may find the keyboard stops working properly, when you press one key, it will type out a few letters rather than just one, if it does this, just replace it with a new one as they are cheap

14-04-12, 13:48
Today I just spoiled another cup this time it landed on my floor and on the extension cable wire whilst my PC is powered at the moment.

Will it be ok? I dried it with some tissue.

14-04-12, 18:15
It will be fine, dont worry about it. If you spill something, if it doesnt stop working in the first 10 minutes, then it is OK

14-04-12, 18:43
Lol this happened to my friends laptop last night! If it's on the keyboard, turn it off immediately as the water will fry it with the electricity and turn it upside down