View Full Version : I keep worrying about heart attack due to anxiety..How do I stop worrying?

19-03-12, 10:46
I get all the symptoms from anxiety, I.e. headache, palpitations, ear blockage, but also I've got chest pain, shoulder ache, neck ache, and also I keep getting a feeling of blockage in my throat and chest. The pain radiates from my chest to my back, but it's only mild. The thing is, I have been to the hospital and been given 2 - 3 ECG's in the space of a few months, I've had an ECHO (scan of my heart), and I wore a heart monitor for 2/3 days to monitor my heart beat.

All the results came back fine, but I still worry about a heart attack. I am only 23 years old, so really I shouldn't be worrying, but you still get people die from heart attack even at my age due to undiagnosed heart abnormalities.

Am I worrying too much about my heart? It's on my mind all the time and sometimes when I get the slightest chest pain, I will start to panic and worry, which makes my anxiety worsen.

How do I get over this? Any advice?

19-03-12, 11:32
Hi Mark,

You have had many tests now, with all results showing as fine. Its time to get on with your life. I know that is easier said that done, and I'm not meaning to be callous towards you, but you are 23 and could spend the rest of your life worrying about an 'undiagnosed heart condition' and waste every single hour of it in fear and misery.

Am I worrying too much about my heart? It's on my mind all the time and sometimes when I get the slightest chest pain, I will start to panic and worry, which makes my anxiety worsen.

How do I get over this? Any advice? The answer is, yes, you are worrying too much.

How to get over it ?

1. Well, you have Health Anxiety, so accepting that you have HA rather than a heart problem would be a really good start. Then you can read up on HA on this site, both other members threads (do some searches) and the symptoms down the left hand side. All your symptoms are listed as anxiety symptoms !

2.You have now become sensitised to every little niggle and pain and your brain is exaggerating those and coming up with something very sinister. You will need to work on re-training your thinking, instead of 'I have a headache it must be due to reduced blood flow to my brain' you need to try and reassure yourself with 'I have a headache, it is most likely from anxiety and tension'. You need to apply this approach to every minor symptom you get.

3. Distraction - big time ! Go and do something physical, use your brain on something whenever you feel the fear coming on.

4. See your GP if you are really struggling with your anxiety, they may be able to point you in the direction of some talking therapy.

Hope this helps a bit