View Full Version : I've left my medication at home (on hols)

19-03-12, 11:13
As some of you know, i'm getting married tomorrow and i've had to travel to Kent (From Yorkshire) so we could have the ceremony at someones house and stay there aswell so i'd have my comforts, as i have alot of panic attacks when i have to leave the house and when i am with people.

I remember putting my Thyroid medication in a cooler bag but now we are here i cannot find it anyway, and seem to have lost it somewhere between my kitchen and kent!

My mum wants to ring the doctor to sort something out, but Daniel, my fiance, sys we cannot do that as they only give me "home visits" at the doctors because as far as they are concerned im totally housebound and even though i cant get to the surgery because i get so ill with panic, they'll think i'm lying and will no longer let me have home visits.
I cannot go a week with my medication though, Daniel thinks it will not affect me but i think it wil..

i just dont know what to do? Any advice? Thank you

19-03-12, 11:21
Absolutely ring the local doctor, they should be able to ring your surgery at home (give all your doctors details, phone number etc.) and arrange for a prescription for you. They may make a small administrative charge for this service, but there is an understanding amongst GPs that this eventuality can and does arise and should be dealt with, for ethical reasons. They may or may not need to see you in person, but explain everything on the phone and see what they say. I had my MIL come and stay from abroad and my local surgery even helped her out with blood tests and prescriptions. I am somewhat concerned that your other half thinks it is ok for you to 'do without' for a week !!!

19-03-12, 11:21
You def not got the meds? you say you 'remember' packing it in the cooler bag?
and by the way, many congrats for your wedding, how exciting !!!!

19-03-12, 11:27
yes i agree with carys ring the surgery for a script, you will feel much better, don'e worry about being housebound, you are getting married, and can't do that at home.

many congratulations hope you have a lovely day tomorrow xx

paula lynne
19-03-12, 12:45
Ring your surgery and explain the situation. They can then order an emergency prescription at the chemist closest to where you are staying.You are right, you cannot goo a week without Thyroid meds!

Have a wonderful day tomorrow, and many congratulations for a wonderful wedding day and happy married life :flowers:

19-03-12, 16:12

hope you got your meds ok Miss soon to be Mrs Moose:hugs:
Thinking of you tomorrow ..........you will love it and be so happy . NO worries ok ? let the day go and enjoy .
so would like to see a pic one day if you have time .

Will raise glass of wine to you at midday in my garden [drinking at lunchtime who me ? ha ha !! ] I wish you happy and healthy life both you and Daniel. And fun also xxxxxx.

You will be radiant Miss Moose .
snow xx

19-03-12, 16:19
Yeah, I think you need your meds. The Dcotor's will be able to sort something out, they won't want you not taking them either.

Get the meds sorted, then relax and enjoy your big day!

Congratulations. :)