View Full Version : the footballer who had heart attack

19-03-12, 15:15
well first of all i want to send my get well wishies to the footballer who had heart attack on saturday i no he isnt doing great but lets hope he pulls though this :) hugs :) 2ndly i am so such i'm not the only one but this has put you in sense of panic ? :weep: sadly this has for me since saturday it gets one's mind thinking as allways about one's health'n'heart :( i no we shouldnt but we do i spoke to my gp YET AGAIN i hear you cry !!! bout my heart but he keeps playing the same record " YOUR HEARTS FINE + IF YOU WAS GONNA HAVE HEART ATTACK YOU WOULD HAVE BY NO + THE 3 ECGS + HEART 24HR MONITOR came back clear " but why i still worrying for grrrrrrrrrr ,, the twinges in the chest still come + go as well as the heart racing he has given me some beater blockers so i may try thoses again i just need a huge boot up my fat arse to stop panicing ,, i no people get left chest pains and its NOT the heart so i should just stop flapping but i cant , i no members must see my post a think OMG HIM AGAIN i dont blame you either but to be honest this sites the only place that mark the panic king can tell you how i feel ,,, oh on the tiny good thing i dont no if members read my post ages ago i was scared of having hair as i want ? well been good for awk now been having hair styled as i like so i happy with myself for that but still know i gunna have heart attack !!! help yet again !!!

19-03-12, 17:03
Dont know how to help you as Im in the same boat! I've been a mess since saturday and was doing quite well not worrying about my health but now I'm a complete wreck :( Maybe someone else will post and help us both? Have a hug for now :hugs:

19-03-12, 17:09
me three.
had a racing/jumpy/fast heart/irritable feeling since it happened.
scared theres to much anxious stress on my heart and it will fail.

My thoughts are with the young man and his family X

19-03-12, 17:46
Me too - my heart symptons been through the roof since Saturday - coincidence?

It has made me realise how little it takes to set me off..... but I guess another way of looking at it is that that worrying about our hearts really makes no difference. I am sure that Fabrice was not worrying about his when it happened. Wish I could just take life as come what may and not waste precious time worrying. Anyone feel the same?

19-03-12, 17:59
Hope he pulls through, I was watching the match live and it send shivers down my spine watching someone in such a horrible situation.

19-03-12, 18:19
Good to know others are feeling similar - well not 'good' that we are struggling but you know what I mean...what a shame it is for him :( Must have been horrible watching it live Harvestmouse, I had just got in from work about 6.30 and my partner was watching it and it was just awful hearing how it all happened.
I've seen on the news this evening that he is moving and speaking now so thats really encouraging.

But yeah, like you guys my heart symptoms have been crazy since it happened. I'm getting loads of palpitations, chest pains and feeling dizzy :(
Doesn't help that my 8 year old son is obsessed with football and wanted his dad to take him out this afternoon over the fields at the back of where we live - my stupid anxiety was screaming to not let him go but I know that we have to live as normal and so I kept my mouth shut but I was worried :/

Glad to have somewhere to share these feelings, my family and partner are fed up of my 'ways' and would just tell me to stop being so silly.

19-03-12, 18:24
ive been exactly the same racing heart feel breathless thinking of it its scarey proper freaked me out i hope he gets better but im trying my best not to think about it too much as its not good for our anxiety :unsure:

19-03-12, 18:24
We have a post about this already ongoing...


19-03-12, 22:09
i no i'm so glad that he is doing ok hope he gets better soon , also agree with above is not nice feeling like this but am glad i'm not the only one worrying :( dam dam HA so hate it :(( had a few twinges this evening at work went a hid for 10mins to carm meself down :( ,, my local paper also had peace in there today about it and they was one about under 35s are more chance of having sudden death and was on about people should get cardico screenin " this was on someone elses post awhile ago 2 " ut i'm trying to chill out but easyer said than done ,, huge massive :bighug1: s to all who are feeling same xxx

20-03-12, 11:38
Can I just say that this also has me anxious. I'm 22 and reading about this and the other young kid has me petrified. I feel like my palps have been weird, chest pains and tightness also headaches in which I'm fearing stroke :(

20-03-12, 13:34
its really hard when we have theses symtoms :(

20-03-12, 14:13
Very hard and very depressing. I just had a panic attack walking home from school. I could feel my heart in my chest and with chest pain in the middle. I was hyperventilating as well. I honestly thought I would collapse. I'm also having a headache and my scalp is sore and I'm dreading a stroke.:weep:

20-03-12, 22:28
sorry your feeling like that :( i no how you feel i havent felt great myself nervous weak today again :( canna shake this feeling at moment :(

22-03-12, 13:37
I'm the same, since Saturday, i've had racing heart, chest pain etc. I was listening to a cardiologist on the news and he said that the chances are this footballer had an undiagnosed heart condition, he said it's very unusual for a 23 year to just have a heart attack. Still doesn't stop you from worrying though. Everyday i'm conviced that i'm going to have a heart attack. I'm 34 years old and have a husband and little boy and i just feel like i'm wasting it all on worrying.

22-03-12, 22:40
yeah i totally agree i worry 24/7 :( we goto keep strong and work though this least if we can help each other we get there ay :))

22-03-12, 23:27
All of this worrying is really not good for your health and general well being though so you have to move on from it as hard as that is to be honest.