View Full Version : lumps on tongue

19-03-12, 15:18
Help. seeing gyna for soreness and pain. but now i ahve this big lump-ben there a couple of months-on tongue-not painful-now another 2 in front of it. each day wake up with a small red mark on front or side of tongue which then turns blue and doesnt go either. help panicking now. could i be biting tongue in sleep? but no pain makes me suspiciuos

19-03-12, 20:54
You mentioned that the bumps turn blue. Does it look like it could be fluid-filled? A common occurrence in mouths is a mucus cyst, which happens as a result of an injury (i.e. biting the side of your tongue) or even just sometimes happens for no reason. They are harmless and sometimes go away, sometimes don't. I have one under my tongue. Don't know where it came from. My doctor said that they are extremely common.

Could that be possible for you?

Just to add -mine doesn't hurt at all either.