View Full Version : please talk to me

19-03-12, 16:18

I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. I've posted a few replies but no-body seems to talk to me:weep:

19-03-12, 16:19
Hi jimsmrs

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-03-12, 16:21
hi...sorry to hear you feel like that, what did you want to talk about?
Perhaps you need to start your own thread under the correct forum....
when you reply on someone elses thread asking for help, it may be missed , as people are replying to the thread starter....

19-03-12, 16:23

Are you ok hun?


19-03-12, 16:33
Thank you

can't seem to get my 'get up and go' back, I used to be so outgoing now I won't drive, but don't know why. on sertraline just been upped to 100mg, been given the phone number for a local group that offers CBT and courses on Anxiety etc, but can't bring myself to make the first step, any tips ??????????

19-03-12, 16:44
Getting motivated to do any little thing is hard , i know! im still not dressed today!!
But MOST days i get up, get dressed, GO OUT, you have to, LIVE LIKE YOU DONT HAVE THE CONDITION....thats what i read anyway!
The more normal a life you can live, the quicker you get back to normal life!
You shouldnt spend all day thinking about anxiety, reading about anxiety...the longer you dwell on the condition, the longer its with you.... you need to stop living in your head, and live in the real world... Distraction is key always... go do anything, it helps.... Last friday i got up went to reflexology (recommend that)- then drove to the next town to visit a friend, then went food shopping.... must admit felt some anx, but just got on with it...
my first panic attack was while driving, and like you i didnt want to drive, but i made myself...i wont let anxiety ruin my life.... i feel the anx but do whatever i want anyway... CBT didnt do much for me, but worth a try id say.... xx

19-03-12, 16:57
Stormsky raises a very valid point and it's about NOT giving the anxiety/depression head space. I know it's alot easier said than done because i was in the same situation for such a long time and it is so difficult to ignore how you are feeling.

Take one day at a time but DON'T beat yourself up if really can't force yourself to do anything productive because let's face it, we all have days like that.

Your increased meds will play a roll in that too because your system will have to adapt to the new dosage so the chances are, you probably will feel a bit slow and sluggish until things settle down.

Choose realistic things to do each day, things that are within your means for the time being and slowly build on them. There is absolutely no shame in feeling the way you do and it's difficult to imagine "normality" again (hate that word) but you can and will come out the other end of this.

We are here for you!


19-03-12, 18:37
Hi there and a great big :welcome:

People here are very friendly - just find some threads that you can relate to and join in. You'll be welcomed.

We all suffer from anxiety in one form or another and I'm sure you'll find lots of support and I know you'll be able to help others along the way.

Take care

Pip xx

20-03-12, 16:30
Thank you all for your kind words. my head feels ok, but I'm waiting for my body to catch up. It's so frustrating, but I know I have to be patient.
I agree with stormsky about reading about anxiety it does seem to make you feel worse.

20-03-12, 21:23
Thank you all for your kind words. my head feels ok, but I'm waiting for my body to catch up. It's so frustrating, but I know I have to be patient.
I agree with stormsky about reading about anxiety it does seem to make you feel worse.

Hi there and :welcome:

I know how you feel there its horrible when your mind starts thinking straight but you just haven't got the strength in your body to do it. My mind started functioning again but still had all the dreaded physical symptons. They will ease mine has just started too. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

I agree with stormsky and bottle blonde somewhere inside you have to find the strength and push yourself into trying to do things etc. Once you do things can feel so much better!

Keep us updated how you are getting on!!

Kendra x

21-03-12, 12:07

I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. I've posted a few replies but no-body seems to talk to me:weep:

:welcome:If you ever want to talk please contact me :yesyes:

21-03-12, 16:28
Thanks Kendra

I seem to be very shaky today and have sore shoulders, not quite sure why it's happening, tried to walk it off earlier on, and keep busy, but it's creeping back,:mad: keep trying to tell myself that it can't kill me. Made my appointment today for the support group, so progress there anyway, had been putting it off, but have to wait till 13th April

Hope this is just another side effect of the meds


---------- Post added at 16:28 ---------- Previous post was at 16:25 ----------

Thanks Calms

will do