View Full Version : VERY UPSET !!!

emma chant
28-06-06, 10:34
HI all,
At moment i'm crying(have been since 8am)
Didn't go to trip.
Feel really upset because wanted to go:(
Anxiety really bad is well headache,feel sick,crying,heart beating mad, tight chest.

e chant

28-06-06, 10:41
I am sorry you are feeling so upset at the moment, I suppose we all feel let down in ourselves at times.
Hope you pick up soon:D

Take care



28-06-06, 10:41
Hi Emma

Sorry you are feeling so bad this morning.

Don't give yourself a hard time about not going on the trip today. We all avoid doing things at times when it just feels too tough. You tried and that's all anyone can ask. Maybe next time you will be feeling a little stronger and able to go.

Have a good cry because it helps relieve stress and tension and then treat yourself kindly for the rest of the day. What could you do to distract yourself and help you feel a bit better?

There is no need to feel bad about this. It is just a blip and you can get through it.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

28-06-06, 10:52
Hello Emma
Please don't beat yourself up about not going on the trip. I have had many times when I wasn't able to do something I desperatley wanted to do and I used to beat myself up quite badly. Now I try to think I can always try again next time. Tomorrow is another day. To cry is good though, it releases tension. Now pamper yourself for the rest of the day. Say 'I am not a bad person because I didn't make it.'

Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery.
To-day is a gift.

Jeny xxxx

28-06-06, 10:56

I'll try again.
Jenny xxx

28-06-06, 10:59
Aw Emma I'm sorry you didn't make it. But don't beat yourself up over it, there will be other times, your body is just not able to cope at the moment. Just try and relax today.

Take care

'This too will pass'

28-06-06, 11:03
hi emma
dont beat yourself up over this, im sure there will be other trips ,it doesnt make you a bad person cause you didnt go,have a good cry it will make you feel better

hope you feel better soon


28-06-06, 11:13
OH Emma hun,

So sorry you didnt make it, but never mind, there will be other times. Dont force yourself, you will do it when it feels right for you. If you put too much pressure on yourslef it will only make you feel worse!

Give yourself a break, your only human! so wipe those tears, blow your nose, and hold your head up high, say to yourself, never mind, next time eh!

Take care xx

Hay x

28-06-06, 11:29
:(hi emma, ican give lots of good advice but i STILL can't put it into practice! am feeling similar to you today, so you are not alone.

i want to go to morrisons for organic bake potatoes(i could just go to somerfield which is 50 metres away, but these pots are much nicer) for my daughters tea, as she's informed me she wants to be a vegetarian!(8 yrs old, my god it's started already!)so i don't know much about veggie food but i know bake pot, cheese and beans is a good start.
anyway blah blah, to get ther i have to cross a swing bridge, and i have'nt been there alone on foot for 6 years!!! did go in car last week twice, but that's not as hard as there are nowhere near as many people around after 7pm.

so you see you are not alone, but like all above said you are just not confident enough yet to do it and neither am i. but we will be so long as you want it you will get there.

the one thing i have learnt over the years is to not make yourself feel worse by BEATING yourself up that you FAILED. you did not fail you are just not ready.

please see if you can do something small to help to make you feel better, you can always do something small that helps this feeling of failure. i am going to TRY and walk over to morrisons tonight after my office cleaning job, and i'll make do with taking my dog's out this afternoon( until tomorrow my daughter will have to do without a bake potatoe and have chips instead!!) but if i don't make it so what? iv'e been like this for 6 years and never once lost sight of being better, 'hope' that's what we've got to have.

love emmas[:X]

polly daydream
28-06-06, 15:57
Hi Emma, don't beat yourself up, there is always another time.

Take care sweety,


28-06-06, 16:18
HI Emma
Been there done that. I couldnt go to my Mum's funeral and spent the afternoon crying while everybody else went
I'm sure my Mum wouldnt have minded as she understood me and my illness

I'm a lot better now and I'm sure you will get better too. It just takes time.
Just accept you cant do things at the moment
Things do change and you will get better

Hope that helps
Pam x

28-06-06, 17:10
Hi Emma,

I'm sorry you're feeling upset. I understand too, there have been times I haven't been able to do things.

As others have said, don't beat yourself up, things will get better. Sending you a (((Hug)))

Take Care,

Heather x

28-06-06, 17:38
Hi Emma
I'm sorry you're feeling upset. Like everyone else has said, there will be other times and things will get better.
Take Care
Love Helen

28-06-06, 20:20
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">HI all,
At moment i'm crying(have been since 8am)
Didn't go to trip.
Feel really upset because wanted to go:(
Anxiety really bad is well headache,feel sick,crying,heart beating mad, tight chest.

e chant

<div align="right">Originally posted by emma chant - 28 June 2006 : 11:34:38</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

emma chant
28-06-06, 20:36
THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE MESSAGES,i'm feeling better now .
Earlier i put some music on because i like music ,and i made some cards which i love doing (art).
Messages really made me feel better

e chant

28-06-06, 21:56
i no how it feels when you dont get were you realy want to go my sister paid for me to go to australia last year with my mum and i got as far as dubia had a passive panic attack 6hrs in to flight there was just oe hour lefy to fly before we laded i dubia the next flight was 14 hours with one hout brake in singapore well i new i could not do that so got flight back from dubia home they gave ne diazapam to do that with i was so upsrt so was mt isiter she went out there 30 yrs ago but she as been home afew times but she realy wated me to go and have a good brake and all that
it took me so long to forgive myself not even sure i have
but aye we dont give up we keep haveing a go all the best for next time trish

28-06-06, 21:57
emma you are not to beat yourself up, there will be other trips when you yourslef are in a better place

everything happens for a reason and this one just wasnt meant to be

please try to see that this is not your fault and that when you are stronger there wil;l be others

take care and content yourself
