View Full Version : Chris52

19-03-12, 18:12
Hello out there. I am a 52 year old woman who suffers from depession/anxiety/depersonalisation but no OCD. I would love to hear from anyone who has managed to overcome these debilitating illnesses. I have had quite a few months of being OK but stress at work and family problems have taken there toll. I am having my first time off work for some time. I just feel useless and that I am going mad. The world does not seem real when I feel like this and I just want to curl up and hide. Would love some cheering up and positive stories of how you did it.

Thanks in advance for any replies.

19-03-12, 18:13
Hi Chris52

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

19-03-12, 18:33
Hi Chris and a warm :welcome:

I'm sure you'll find loads of members here who share your experience and that you'll find it comforting to see that you're not alone.

Take care and keep posting

Pip xx

19-03-12, 19:12
Thanks to Diane and Pipkin for answering it is so reassuring to know others out there. thanks

PS can anyone advise how to stop thinking about death/dying and kick it in to touch!!!!! It is driving me barmy. Always worse when I feel down. It doesnt help when you have a phobia about dying!!! You are all convinced I am a mad person now - hope not.



19-03-12, 19:45
Hi Chris, i just joined today hon, you are deffo not alone!!

I suffer depression and OCD but i too get anxious/panicky about getting not well and about germs etc, major part of OCD :( Believe me you're not mad at all hon!

Nice to meet you btw :)

19-03-12, 20:09
Just read the blogs about fear of death. We must all have the same fears. Great to be with a load of same thinking people. We are all actually very sane - just think too much!!!! When I find out how to stop it I will patent it!!!! Stay strong everyone. Signing off for tonight. Sleep well.

20-03-12, 07:08
Yes, definitely post any helpful tips as I could use them!

I agree it can be a case of over-thinking but hey, we can't help it right :hugs:Hope you slept well hon :)

20-03-12, 07:51
Morning not had to bad a night but feel lowsy this morning. Just want this cloud to go away and be well again. Its my hubbys birthday today so I hope I dont spoil it. Any quick fixes for coping. Please get in touch need some inspiration. Thanks:scared15:
