View Full Version : Incest related dream, feeling disgusting and disturbed. Please help!

19-03-12, 18:42
I've been a bit nervy lately because of exams and pressure in school, when I'm panicky I always have really disturbing and vivid dreams. They've all been the usual though, being chased, family members dying, being kidnapped etc. However last night I had a dream where I had sex with a close family member, I wasn't raped but I definitely didn't want to do it in the dream. I woke up feeling disgusting and really disturbed and ended up having a panick attack.
Now whenever I see that family member I remember about the dream and start worrying that I'm turning into some sort of pervert.
I feel horrible and I just wish I'd never had the dream.
Can anyone give me any advice? Thanks.

19-03-12, 19:03
Dreams can seem very real, I've often woken up feeling the emotion I felt in the dream. I know there's a lot out there about the meaning of dreams, but I sometimes can't make ANY sense of mine! I don't think yours makes you a pervert - dreams are often muddled up thoughts or things that have been happening. The family member and the sex could have come from two totally separate thoughts / incidents and just ended up jumbles together. Please try not to worry about it, it's not a reflection on you. I can see why you'd feel upset by it, but if someone dreamt they stole something, it doesn't make them a thief, just like it doesn't make you a pervert.

19-03-12, 20:55
I have those all the time, the difference is it actually happend

19-03-12, 21:02
Its just a dream... some people actually have intrusive thoughts the same as your dream, imagining sex with family.... at least you had no control over your dream.... it means nothing...i have weird dreams all the time... they usually mean the complete opposite .... the anxiety makes dreams scarier and more vivid.... ignore it, do NOT dwell on it, the more you give it importance , the more you will hang on to it.... just tell yourself it was just a dream... its not who you are and certainly not what you would do...and LET IT GO... go distract yourself and do somthing...