View Full Version : does anyone else get this

19-03-12, 19:34
Hi, well it seems that before i go into a panic attack it build up, i feel funny, feel like something stuck in my throat, shaky etc this can last for hours before i actually end up going into a full panic attack which most of the time i can control but lately they been getting worse and i can't control it.

Is this normal for someone who takes panic attacks all the time ?



19-03-12, 20:37
Hi Kerry

It sounds to me like you're recognizing when your body is gearing up to a panic attack. It could be that your adrenaline is beginning to pump a little faster, you're then beginning to think "i'm going to have a panic attack" then boom, there it is.

I know it's scary but it's actually quite a good thing because you can (with help) stop them in your tracks because you are getting warning signs. Many people experience panic attacks out of the blue so there is absolutely nothing they can do until they're in the zone.

Speak to your GP about anxiety management because i recon this would help you loads.

Take care

19-03-12, 21:09
Hi lisa thank you, yeah i did thought that. It it does help with the stopping of panic attacks coming on but sometimes not depends on how bad the panic attack is.

I've already explained this to my GP i got told to phone up some group for help but i actually can't go to anything due to having a 2 year old and am on my own :S.

At least i know i am not mad!!

19-03-12, 21:14
What you have to remember is, you have an attack then THEN you panic..What you experienced is an attack.... you cant stop attacks coming on, but you can choose not to panic.... i get attacks ,but i dont panic.... i just ignore the racing heartbeat, dizzy feeling... i just say yeah whatever, not interested...and it dies off... without adrenaline you cannot panic..... its the minute you start telling yourself your going to panic, and oh my god , and what if i lose control, pass out etc etc, its those thoughts that lead to panic..... just ignore the attacks, and you wont panic.

19-03-12, 21:19
Yeah stormsky i usually do that or talk to myself as i say if i can talk i am ok, or i go to the window and breathe in fresh air. It's very uncomfortable and i try and keep my mind off it, as they will last for hours, i have one right now which has started since 8pm, but i haven't went into a "panic attack" yet, i just feel funny, sore left arm, tight neck and feels like something stuck in throat and feet and hands sweaty.

Was just wondering how normal was this :S

Thanks for the advise xxx

19-03-12, 21:52
Sorry for being rude but i think your GP sucks. Lol

He/She should know you are a mother with a young child and such groups wouldn't be practical.

Stick around here hun and i really hope we can help you along.



19-03-12, 21:53
yes i can have attack symptons for hours too... distraction is good, talk to someone, go do something, cleaning or ironing or hobbies or exercise !!!

19-03-12, 21:59
Yeah she wasn't very good, she just gave me propranolol 10 mg which i don't think will help, and now i don't want to take one because it said do not take if you low blood pressure and every time i have my blood pressure taken it's always low :unsure: Was all ready abit freaked out by it slows ur heart due to my anxiety. Thank you lisa

Oh thank god stromsky at least i know i am not the only one phew :) made me feel better now.

19-03-12, 22:01
its all the unburnt adrenaline left in our symptons from ongoing anxiety day in day out...some days you can be fine, others anx all day!! thats why exercise is fab, burns the adrenaline off....and the endorphins from exercise make you feel good too, win win !!!!

24-03-12, 20:40
Hi Twiowl :)

Don't know if this helps but I have found out by looking at my own panic attacks and warning symptoms that they are mostly sparked by:
1. Low blood sugar (shaky inside, faint, clammy sweaty palms, mentally foggy)
2. Hyperventilation (choking feeling, tight neck, numbness and tingling in face, tongue, arms, hands, depersonalisation feeling)

My biggest thing is hyperventilation. Often, when I feel the "aura" of panic creeping up, I stop and think "ok, how is my breathing?" and I usually find that I am breathing from my collarbone! My body tends to go into this breathing pattern without me noticing and it's usually when I'm overtired, over-stressed or are dieting. Making a conscious effort to breathe from my tummy calms the panicky sensations down.

25-03-12, 11:07
Hey Twiowl,
You're definitely not alone, every night I experience those same symptoms and it's so hard to control at times. I know when I'm having a panic attack , I try to rock or hug myself very tight, I don't why but it seems to always help just a bit. I wish I could be more of help and hope you start to feel better.