View Full Version : Does anyone actually do relaxation regularly?

19-03-12, 20:44
I don't mean watching TV or reading a book but actual mind & body relaxation such as yoga, meditation, qi gong, etc.

It seems intuitive that the first thing us sufferers would (should) do would be to regularly relax our super tensed muscles, sensitized nerves, and over-active minds but I would put my house on it that most don't do it regularly and consistently.

Prove me wrong?

19-03-12, 20:47
15 mins muscle relaxation 2-3 times a day .... unless I have a good day which sadly I dont at the moment , Ive started going to gym also for sauna and steam , but doesnt really help as Im always anxious

19-03-12, 20:48
I used to but to be honest with you, it made me concentrate on my anxiety even more, although the one thing i still do if i am having trouble sleeping at night is the tensing the muscles one by one then releasing ( you know the one?)...

I find distraction alot more effective but that's just a personal choice.

Good post.


19-03-12, 22:00
I do "Mindful Meditation" twice a day (about 30 mins in total) but as part of an 8 week book/CD course. It has been a complete life changer for me. It is well worth persevering with. However this type of meditation is a bit of a red herring because it is not about clearing your mind and relaxing (though they are side effects of it) but rather seeing how your thoughts are and how they work. Seeing how a mind can come up with thoughts that then spiral out of control into anxiety or depressive episodes.

I tried Tai Chi and couldn't stick with it though, nor Yoga or Pilates :) I guess it's all about finding something that "clicks" with you.

19-03-12, 22:13
Exercise is key...burns off adrenaline thats left in our bodies from all the anx... and it gives good endorphin rush, which makes you feel good....
I try to go on my wii fit regularly... and walking my 2 dogs....
the thing is when you suffer depression, the last thing you are is motivated!!

19-03-12, 22:28
Tried deep breathing exercises at work, but the boss complained I was asleep :mad:

One of us

20-03-12, 13:34
Mindfulness meditation has been helpful to me, where I used to have trouble trying meditation because I would just think about stressful things. But it really trains your brain to control thoughts and accept them as just that - thoughts. You can view your thoughts mroe objectively and let them go easier.