View Full Version : mole removal...very worried

28-06-06, 11:29
hi i have just recieved a letter from my local hospital giving me a date for my removal, the thing is i am pregnant, do u think they will still do it? its only a local anasthetic. has anyone else had a mole removed during a pregnancy?
thanks xxxxxx


28-06-06, 11:35
i there i had a mole removed last month..not pregnant though...i think if it needs doing they will do it otherwise it could be your choice...is it your choice or was you advised to have it removed?
mine was my choice and to be honest wish i had not had it done as im left with a scar now(needed 5 stitches) i was convinced it was cancer...of cause it was harmless...
why dont you give the hospital a call and explain you are pregnant?
im sure they will help you..take care

28-06-06, 11:38
hi there, i have rang the hospital and the secretary was very rude about it! so ive got to wait for her to phone me back, i first had it photographed in november and went back in march they said said it hadnt changed but is really irregular so to remove it to be on safe side! i am worrying my sick


28-06-06, 11:44
I had two moles removed last year and it was all fine. Although one hasn't heeled up as it should have. He said it's perfectly normal and a build up of scar tissue. The operation was over in half an hour though. So it was really quick.

Sorry the secretary was rude I hope things get sorted for you.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X

28-06-06, 11:47
dont worry the dermatologist i saw said mine would be ok left but remove it on the safe side as mine was bobbly and different colours...i too worried but got the letter a couple of weeks later telling me it was harmless im sure yours is and i think its your choice whether to have the local anaesthetic with being pregnant i think you should be ok..but just check with the experts.....also having a mole removed is a bigger job than i expected..they had to cut mine out..my gp said it was a simple procedure(well i suppose it is to them)...but dont worry you cant feel a thing
good luckx

28-06-06, 12:26
my brother had a mole removed a few years ago. Everything turned out fine. A lot of the time I think it's done just to be on the safe side.

28-06-06, 12:54
I had one done too a couple of years ago - luckily I could have this done by my own GP at the local surgery. All over within 20 mins and no scar left either.

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

28-06-06, 13:16
Hope it all goes well for you :D

Take care



28-06-06, 13:45
hi just got off the phone with the hospital and they will do it!! 18th september xxx


28-06-06, 14:33
Hi There,

Just thought I'd let you know that when I was 7 months pregnant I had laser treatment to remove a tattoo. Please try not to worry as im sure you'll be fine.


28-06-06, 16:38
I had one removed last year, it was fine and nothing came of, i had 7 small stiches and now have a small scar!
It was fine, A local anesthtic is fine when you are preggers, what do you think an epidural is? You will be fine love - try not to worry

Hay x

29-06-06, 10:33
Hia i had a mole removed off my jaw line a few years ago,they had to cut it out as it was quite deep,didnt feel a thing!!!I was worried about it beforehand aswell, i wasnt put to sleep just had local anesthetic and stitches afterwards,the worry was worse than the procedure believe me :) and like i said that was on my face so try not to stress too much about it.
take care cheryl xx