View Full Version : Newbie - Dysthymia sufferer

19-03-12, 23:49
Hi everyone,
I found out about this site while Googling medications that I have been on in the past and I have finally plucked up courage and energy to sign up.
Also, I have meaning to sign up but I keep forgetting. Again another symptom of my depression.

I'm hoping you guys can give me some advice. Here's my situation (details are a bit sketchy cos i've taken a benzo and can't remember much at the moment :huh:

I was diagnosed with depression in 2003. My doc started me on Citalopram 20mg but I didn't take it as I was quite young then and heard horror stories about them. I then started university a few weeks later which made my depression worse. The doc there started me on..you guessed it citalopram 20mg. I suffered from awful side effects (flu-like symptoms, chills) so I stopped it.

I also started suffering from anxiety, most likely due to alcohol abuse. I was drinking about 30 units per week. Also I didn't like the uni or the course but I soldiered on regardless. Doc gave me 2mg Diazepam for 7 days. This helped a lot initially, but then I started getting hostile and aggressive and tapered it off on my own.

Forgive me for cutting this short but my benzo dose has made my mind go all over the place, i've been prescribed: citalopram, sertarline, lofepramine, amitriplyine, venlafaxine, fluoxetine, duloextine, trazdone and none of these treatments have worked because the side effects have been unbearable.

I have diagnosed in 2008 with dysthymia by a psychiatrist but yet again I had to start the cycle.

I've been a binge drinker for 10 years and at my lowest point I was drinking near enough everyday. I have not touched a drop for 9 days now but I've been feeling very low since. Also i suffer from neuropathic pain due to the alcohol. I have also been prescribed gabapentin 100mg and pregbablin 75mg which helped somewhat, but gabapentin i suffered a panic attack and pregbablin makes me feel suicidal

My doc prescribed me chlordiazepoxide 5mg to help with the shakes, but my head has been all over the place since then.

I have an appointment tomorrow (Tuesday) with the same GP who prescribed me chlordiazepoxide and he's the only one who I see so he's familar with my history. What can I say to him? Please help I haven't felt this low for quite a while.

Apologies for rambling and/or if this post hasn't made any sense. The chloridiazepoxide is still in my system. I took it last monday but didnt kick in until thursday. My mind is all over place at the min. I wont be taking it again thats for sure.

Also do you think I should ask for a second opinion re: my dysthymia. I have looked online and my symptoms seem to fit the bipolar type 2 category

19-03-12, 23:50
Hi rs

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

blue moon
20-03-12, 02:54
Hello rs :welcome:

20-03-12, 07:50
Hi RS, its not really surprising meds didnt work, or gave you side effects if you were drinking on them every day. One thing with a lot of SSRI's like citalopram is that alcohol can block them from working properly, or make it take much longer for your body to adjust and for them to kick in.

Some starting side effects are common with most meds, but you need to stick with them as it can take a couple of weeks for them to settle down, but you also need to stop the drinking if you are going to take them until your body is used to them.