View Full Version : rash has appeared!!

20-03-12, 00:01
hi all,
tonight over the last hour I've developed a red pinprick sized raised rash mostly on my forearms but a bit on my upper arms too, it's a bit itchy, like I've been in contact with that awful itchy loft insulation stuff. it's not that itchy that I'm scratching it , although I want to!!
I've not been in contact with anything different and I've not eaten anything different either. :0(
I'm starting to get very concerned about it.
can anyone help/advise plz

20-03-12, 00:26
does it fade when you press on it? I get pinprick dots on my arms, they can definitely be caused by stress. I'd only start to worry if there are a LOT of them, if they spread to everywhere on your body and if they are accompanied by fever/headache!

20-03-12, 00:28
A couple of years ago i worked in construction using insulation foam its notoriously itchy i used to break out just about every day i would suggest putting some body lotion cream or anything similar on and try not to scratch it I don’t think its anything to worry about its just one of these things that gets worse before better it should subside in a couple of hours.

of course if it gets a lot worse or is unbearable give nhs 24 a ring that's what they are there for.

20-03-12, 00:29
no they don't fade, they are like pinpricks but in raised lumps I can feel them if I run my hand over my arm, don't have a headache thankfully x

look like goosebumps!

20-03-12, 00:32
i've actually been getting them a lot recently on my arms and legs and have been worried sick some nights about them! just take my advice and do not google!! :P convinced myself i had septicemia the other night! But yeah I'm sure its just stress!

20-03-12, 19:38
hi again,
i still have this rash on my forearms, it looks just like goosebumps that are red, they are not particularly itchy at the moment but almost the rest of me is!! my neck, shoulders and my face has felt itchy all day, just like i said before its like ive been in contact with that horrible loft insulation.
I went to the chemist and she gave me aqueous calamine cream, which did cool it when i put it on but after a few mins its back.
She also got me to buy cetirizine dihydrochloride 10mg tablets and told me to take one a day........of course i read the leaflt and it says "rarely has caused fits" and thats enough to completly put me off taking one :(
couldnt get an appointment for a doctor today either.
Dont even want to try a bath incase it makes it worse :(