View Full Version : Let no post go unanswered

20-03-12, 00:19
Hi guys over the last couple of days I have been going through some of the forms and trying to answer questions with 0 reply’s I would ask that we all make it our goal that no post goes unanswered even if it’s just to let the poster know we are there for them of course this site and the people on it are great and very helpfully to each other this is why I feel together we can all ensure that no one is left worrying on their own.

Thanks and_y

20-03-12, 00:21
i do the same, even if i cant really relate or help

20-03-12, 00:23
What a thoughtful person you are....I will try and do this from now on. I would be upset if I posted and got no replies...you are so right, just to let others know they are not alone is a big help :) Kitti x

20-03-12, 00:44
Hello and y. Totally agree with you because i would feel more alone if i didn't get the nice replies i get and see on here. So well done to you and storm and i'm sure kitti and me will do more for those members you are referring too.

Darren :)

blue moon
20-03-12, 02:34
I try but have a way of killing off post:shrug:

20-03-12, 04:21
I agree with you all.... sometimes I have posted and had no replys
then felt awful thinking am I boring but then I've tried to rationalise it and think
positively that maybe people just don't read all posts and go through them
and just reply to the posts that are relevant to their problems
but I do think it's brilliant that you are taking the time to reply to people even if it's just to say hi because I know for me it really makes me feel a a lot better

20-03-12, 07:06
Deffo agree with this! I just joined yesterday so im still working my way around the site, but i'll try and comment to as many as i can x

20-03-12, 08:41
I always do this as the first thing I do here each day (aren't I :noangel: lol) I search active topics and then look for those that have no replies. Mind, the trouble is that many times there are no replies as they are hard posts to answer, or I know nothing about it, or nobody knows what to say. So, it isn't always possible to add a meaningful response. Sometimes I have just said 'Sorry I don't know what to say, but wanted you to know I am thinking of you.....' or something like that. I have seen lots of others do the same too, so I am not the only :noangel: :roflmao:Good idea to make the point though andy. It would also be nice if more people welcomed others in the introduction section.

However, I do also think it is important that people realise that their posts not being answered is not a personal insult, there is never malice intended; it is often that their post slips off the page or it is difficult to answer. I know that people do get incredibly upset when they get lots of views but no replies, which is understandable at a time of anxiety, but it is better to just bump your post back up the page by saying something like 'anyone ?' 'nobody?' than take it personally.

20-03-12, 09:24
I've noticed over the last year or so how this has improved and how rare an unanswered post is now - even if just a short message of reassurance. So all credit to those actively looking out for these :)

paula lynne
20-03-12, 09:39
Ive been doing this since I joined. I think considering the nature of the site, it would be enough for anyones anxiety/panic/HA to increase dramatically if they think they are alone. Sometimes its the zero reply posts that slip through the net when in fact they need the most help. Thanks to the OP for bringing this to our attention :)
Even if you cant help, someone knowing they arent alone can really help them. Im all for doing that x

little wren
20-03-12, 10:00
That is so thoughtful... I have only been answering posts I think I have something to say on or can relate to but I do try to say hi to newbies. You are so right though I would hate my posts to have no responses. I just think I will say the wrong thing and make it worse...but just letting someone know you have read and responded may be just the bit of support needed until someone with similar experiences to them can respond more fully x Its good to know there are thoughtful people on here x

20-03-12, 10:15
I try but have a way of killing off post:shrug:

Ah, don't think that Blue Moon - maybe you just always say exactly the right thing and then after that everyone feels better and has no need to add anything else! :yesyes:

20-03-12, 14:24
Hi there, I would like to reply to more posts but my computer keeps going wrong, I am in the library using the computer at the moment to see nmp posts, but cannot always get out.
Lots Love to all

20-03-12, 15:25
That's a nice thought.

I've had unanswered posts but I've not taken it personally, just assumed that nobody knows the answer to my question. :)