View Full Version : What is your most frightening anxiety symptom?

20-03-12, 02:04
I get these sudden dizzy spells and I feel as though I've floated out of my body and as if the world isn't real. Counsellor says this is normal for anxiety sufferers, but it scares the bejaysus out of me! :( Also the headaches...

20-03-12, 02:14
Hi Michelle
what you describe is so like what I suffer from
and yes it's very frightening are you on any medication for
your anxiety i take 40mgs daily of Prozac but I also have a big
problem with sleep that's and i am still awake at this time

20-03-12, 02:23
I was prescribed lexapro for my health anxiety and very mild agoraphobia but I haven't started the course yet. Was thinking of looking into acupuncture as an alternative! I am taking anxicalm 5mg valium for my panic attacks, which seem to happen any time I have to leave the house for longer than a few hours! Sorry to hear you get this too! :( I've sleep problems as well and I find the valium helps with that, but hopefully I won't need to take it for much longer...

20-03-12, 04:07
hi Michelle
I also have Valium but was only given 14 tablets by my gp
don't think they like to give them out regularly I was given some zoplicone
for sleep but again was only given 2 weeks worth but I was to scared to take
because like Valium they can be addictive

20-03-12, 07:06

I can just about take my anxiety symptoms, buts as you mentioned the dizzy spells, detachment feeling I cannot stand...especially when I have to look after the baby, I could sit there feeding her and feel like I'm going to pass out....it scares me as the biggest fear is dropping dead in front of her and the son will be at school....

My doctor mentioned once to be Vallium but said he won't give it to me as I have the baby and it may make me drowsy.

20-03-12, 09:54
Hi Michelle, for me its the racing heart/palpitations but I also get the dizzies which I always assume is something to do with my heart even though I have had my heart checked out and nothing sus was found. Hang in there hun, distration is a good way out of the dizzies. Focus on something else and it may become less intense. x

20-03-12, 10:05
Hi mine is feeling like i cant breath its scary the worst symptom i have then i hyperventilate and end up dizzy i hate it any other symptom i can handle well

20-03-12, 10:50
Hi mine is feeling like i cant breath its scary the worst symptom i have then i hyperventilate and end up dizzy i hate it any other symptom i can handle well

Am with you on this one... the feeling of suffocating, choking and not being able to get air to the "bottom" of my lungs. It's terrifying. I always think it might be a asthma attack so have a tendency to overdose on Salbutamol which does nothing for the palpitations and dizziness.... :doh:

20-03-12, 19:59
Am with you on this one... the feeling of suffocating, choking and not being able to get air to the "bottom" of my lungs. It's terrifying.

I get this all of the time. Happened to me all of a sudden on a train yesterday, at this stage I don't even take any notice when it happens but its still a horrible feeling! Only ever seems to happen to me when I'm not at home!

21-03-12, 02:20
Hi Michelle :-)

I get the exact same out of body feeling that you describe almost everyday. Trying to explain these symptoms to someone who has never had it, is near impossible. The worst thing for me is that the feeling like I'm going faint that comes along with it, nearly always sends me into a panic. Do you get this feeling when your sitting or walking? I seem to get it more when I'm walking somewhere.

21-03-12, 02:23
The feeling of not being able to breath / palps

Adrian Hart
21-03-12, 02:27
mccoy 777

this is the first symptom i get b4 an anxiaty attac and is caused my the shallow breathing from the top of the lung . may i recomend (it might sound daft )the next time you go walking try whistleing( not been sarcastic honest) and you will find you will have better controll over your diaphram.

---------- Post added at 02:27 ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 ----------

Hi Michelle :-)

I get the exact same out of body feeling that you describe almost everyday. Trying to explain these symptoms to someone who has never had it, is near impossible. The worst thing for me is that the feeling like I'm going faint that comes along with it, nearly always sends me into a panic. Do you get this feeling when your sitting or walking? I seem to get it more when I'm walking somewhere.

mccoy 777

this is the first symptom i get b4 an anxiaty attac and is caused my the shallow breathing from the top of the lung . may i recomend (it might sound daft )the next time you go walking try whistleing( not been sarcastic honest) and you will find you will have better controll over your diaphram.
Life is a game you get to play once - 10c who's next

21-03-12, 02:47
Thanks for the advice Adrian. I will give it a try :-)

21-03-12, 12:01
Hi Michelle, for me it is the dry mouth and tongue and speech problems. I seem to slur and stumble over my words :weep:

21-03-12, 12:08
Hey, feel so relieved i'm not the only one feeling like this!!

I'm on my 3rd day of just starting Fluoxetine...And obviously aware that i need to give these a couple of weeks to kick in, but last night i had such a restless night....kept waking up, finding it so hard to settle again, panicking about nothing and feeling like i couldnt catch my breath! :unsure: Then today i just feel so.... i don't even know what!

Its the kind of out of body feeling that a couple of you have described i think... which then in turn makes me panic but then i try and tell myself its ok and to stop panicking?! Arghhh :mad: I hate feeling this way!

21-03-12, 12:19
I get the same, I can be walking around town and know I am there but don't feel like I am. Feel sort of detatched, horrible.

Also hate the nausea, one massive fear of mine is being sick but with anxiety I always feel sick which makes my anxiety worse

21-03-12, 13:17
The vibrating head rushes and feeling of impending doom all of a sudden. It's awful, especially when your out with your kids and it happens and it is so hard to hide it from them.

23-03-12, 20:00
I completely agree with depersonalization/derealization. I had an episode of it today and thought I was truly going crazy. I was talking to people but felt like I was outside of my body, I was walking along but felt like they weren't my legs, and scariest of all, I felt like I wasn't breathing/my heart wasn't beating because it didn't feel like my body. I kept taking my pulse and clearing my throat to remind myself I was still "there."

My anxiety symptoms keep evolving. As soon as I get control of one symptom, a new one comes along. First it was palpitations, then it was lightheadedness, then racing heart, then feeling like my lungs weren't working properly, then feeling really bloated which made me have trouble breathing. I keep thinking "I've got this under control" then another symptom comes along. It's really draining. :(