View Full Version : Near an ear - feel like I am quickly sinking...

20-03-12, 02:36

Where to start :( My HA has been fairly well controlled over the last 12 months or so.

We moved into a house last October that unknown to us had black mold problems the walk in robe - so we got out of our lease quick smart as can you imagine anyone with HA living there lol. We moved ourselves and our 3 young children in with my parents house to save for our own house.

Fast forward to January my mum found out she needed sugery so we moved out to allow her room to recover freely.

We moved into a duplex. But I have recently discovered that the the house is infested with silver fish. I had the house sprayed by a pest controller last Monday and he said they were everywhere in the roof.

Then a few nights ago I found out that my 4 year old has worms (he has had them twice before) so I have spent the last 2 days treating us all, cleaning the house from top to bottom, hot washing bed lined and underwear. I also worry that he is going to be one of these kids that is always going to have worms as my girls and my husband and I haven't seemed to have gotten it.

It is doing my head in! I am not coping with these things. Plus our neighbour told me that our owner had a previous damp problem in the hallway. It has been raining non stop since we have been here (nearly 2 months) and sometimes the house smells damp to me. I can't see mold anywhere and no leaks etc. I don't know if its in my head or not.

All I know is I know why people disappear never to be seen again. I wish I could burn everything and move and start a fresh. I feel so desperately out of my depth at the moment and I can't imagine ever feeling good again.

20-03-12, 07:16
Hi Hun

OMG I'm in the same situation as you with regards to the house. I'm pretty sure my house has damp as I have paint peeling off the Walls etc etc, I'm an army house and everyti e I say something they just come and paint over it...until it peels again then I always think is this why I'm sick etc etc...

SILVERFISH- I have these also, I o ly noticed around 3 months ago...my toilet is downstairs off the kitchen....when I turned the light on in the middle of the night I saw these funny bugs rushing on the floor jumping into the scirtings, I went on google and they are Silverfish.
I have a dog so can't stick nasty products about, but apparently they are harmless to humans, they like to feed say off sugar left on sides and they only come out at night when it's dark.
Best thing is to keep the house clean...I know it's hard with the kids I have two and I struggle....I'm not sure what the best way is to get rid of them though....

I'm moving at the end of the year thank goodness can't wait....this house makes me terrified at times,..

Lemme know how it goes


20-03-12, 10:56
God, now you have made me convince myself that we have a big damp problem.

I can't cope - why does life have to be so much harder for some of us than others ...

20-03-12, 13:54
I know,,,I'm fed up with the whole thing to be honest.

I'm having a panic attack right now that started not long after getting home. I'm trying to relax big time but my heart is racing and feel as if I'm gonna pass out...

I think I associate my house to problems, since living here I've had alopecia 3 times. This supposed anxiety disorder, my sons had a fit in this house...found out my husband got shot in afghan...dog had fleas so bad I had to pull the carpets up and replace flooring whist being bitten to high heaven...since December I've had chronic sinus problems...it never ends...

I just want to move for my own sanity...I think too much has happened here. ....

If your worried about damp, get someone independent in to check it....if there is a problem then you will have the correct information to show your landlord etc etc....least it's not MOD (they are useless)


23-03-12, 20:25
I've noticed some mold in our flat and it has been freaking me out. My allergies have been horrible since we've moved here as well. I'm wanting to move, but everywhere in England seems to have mold problems! We can't afford anything brand new, so I feel pretty stuck.