View Full Version : Really dont know what to do next....

20-03-12, 10:18
Hey everyone, bare with me i'm pretty nervous as i've never wrote on any of these before.

So i'm 21 and have generalised anxiety and health anxiety, i've had it for as long as I can remember and it was only when it started to really effect me going to work and my life in general that i decided to go to the doctors.

I went to see my doctors August last year and he was quite nice about it and put me on some medication,I took one dose and felt spacedo out and was sick so I went back to the doctors to try something else, he then put me on amitriptyline however after months of been on 10mg nothing had changed so he then upped my dosage to 20mg. Again after months of waiting for something to happen i decided to go back to say the medicine still wasnt working. He told me to come off the amitriptyline that I didnt need to wean myself off it and put me on seroxat. I was off amitriptyline for a week and then went on seroxat, i then began to have major panic attacks which included almost fainting, being sick having shooting pains up my face, arms and legs which was very scary I thought that it could be side effects from the seroxat so went back to the doctors and he put me back on amitriptyline. I have now been on these since October on 10mg and I feel no better if not worse, I'm worried about just popping to the shops, I didnt get on a plane last year as I was too worried about having panic attacks or been ill abroad.

Anyway to cut a long story short lately I have been having the thoughts of it would be better if I wasnt here as it seems there is no other way out? I feel stupid even thinking those thoughts as i dont for one minuite thing I would do anything it just scared me even having that thought in my head.

I got sent home from work yesterday as i felt too panicky and ill to stay all day so went to the doctors this morning, only to be spoken to like i was wasting his time. He told me he wouldnt put me on any other medication as 'i would try them for two weeks and decide I didnt like them' which is not the case at all i have only been going back as I feel like the medication he is giving me isnt working. He also told me to just come off the amitriptyline even though i've told him i'm scared to due to possible withdrawel affects he just said 'oh just come off it'. He's signed me off work for two weeks however I'm still feeling like i'm at a loss and i've got no where to go. The doctors made me feel like im completley wasting his time and i've already had time off work due to me being ill most of which was due to anxiety. Work are being very supportive however I'm an apprentice doing business and admin, they have offered me a job next year but nothing has been signed or no paper work has been written up so i'm worried if i take another two weeks off work with stress they may decide the post is no longer available to me.

I guess what i'm asking is what would you do in my situation? would you take the time off work, would you get a second opinion and if there is anything you found particulary helped you as i literally cant see the light at the end of the tunnel at the moment.

Sorry i've wrote such a lot


20-03-12, 10:31
Hiya Debbie, don't say sorry its good to have it all written down in front of you how you feel!

It was only last week i went to visit the docs as i felt so daft about talking about how i've been feeling! But, i requested to speak to a female doctor...don't know if that suits everyone, but i personally felt she would be more sympathetic than the male docs at my surgery, whom seem to make you feel as if you're wasting their time anytime you go! And she was great!

Have u been with your surgery a long time? Has he even suggested referring you to some sort of counselling? I would deffo go for a econd opinion? Maybe change surgeries even?...

Sorry i'm not really giving any helpful advice hon, but wanted to reply just to let you know people are here to listen! :hugs:

20-03-12, 18:10
Summerbaby sorry i totally disagree with that i don't think it's the gender its the person, i have had actually had some female doctor who were awful and male doctors who were fab.

Debbie, i would actually go to a different doctor can you do that ?

Am i understand this he is telling you just to come off your current tablets and refusing to give u anything else ? so basically you will be on nothing ?

Has he offered you any other support via counselling, if not u could contact anxiety uk who offer counselling to members. Might be a help for you.

Do u think u need to take two weeks of work ? do u think it would make u feel worse or better ?

Hope ur ok


20-03-12, 20:00
Hi Tigger11

It does sound like from your post that the Doctor you are seeing is not very understanding. I agree with the previous post it might be an idea to try another doctor. There is a variety of medication and counselling that is available so do whatever you need to do so you can access it. I wish you all the best and hope you get the help you deserve..
