View Full Version : terrible diet

20-03-12, 13:10
Ive been so worried about my health, but what really gets me is that like for today for example, ive just woofed down 3 bags of crisps and a mmassive scoop of chocolate spread from the jar. Tried to make up for it by having a apple..
Afterwards the guilt sets in and im frightened im rotting my body with bad foods, but i cant stop eating, i love to eat. so i eat aand eat then feel terrible for doing that to my body afterwards,
I went thru a terrible time with my anxiety over christmas and lost 19lb. i have only put a lb or two back on but then i never thought id have an appitite again, but now im the total opposite... now i cant stop and im worried im poisoning myself :(

20-03-12, 13:19
Its good that you are feeling hungry again, just try to remember how horrible it feels when the anxiety completely takes away your appetite. Dont worry about having a bit of a binge, I think everyone does it sometimes! Try to think of having a balance of foods over a week rather than worry about bad days here and there. Are you taking one of the antidepressants that increases your appetite?

20-03-12, 13:23
nope, i wont take antidepressants, am fighting this anxiety myself... but its tough. I have tho, just started the contraceptive pill, which ive learned increases your appitite x

20-03-12, 13:35
Just enjoy feeling hungry rather than too anxious to eat, but try to snack on healthy stuff as well as the treats (easier said than done!) hope this helps a bit. x

23-03-12, 20:32
I know the exact feeling! When I first started having heart symptoms, I decided I needed to cut down on sodium in case it made my blood pressure high, but here I am eating Chinese food...

Just remind yourself that everyone eats junk now and then! It's not going to kill you. There are people who eat absolutely terribly for years and years and years with no ill effects. That doesn't mean you should eat horribly, but just try to keep it balanced.

25-03-12, 14:15
Hi Pearl!

Sounds exactly like me! I too lost a couple of kilos a couple of months ago, and now that I'm feeling a little better, I can't stop scoffing! I don't want to diet, either I"M HAPPY TO BE FAT!!!