View Full Version : Please Help

20-03-12, 14:10
Really feeling unwell, I got terrible lower abdomial cramps yesterday (period pain area) and it woke me up last night. I have taken my temperature and its 37.7 and I feel really unwell with slight bloating to that area and feel very hot in the face.

With my HA I am panicing that its something serious what could it be, worrying about ovarian cancer and other stuff can anyone help, I have rung the Doc's and no appt's til Thursday, he is going to ring me back, feeling miserable :(

20-03-12, 14:18

There has been some things going around recently....I had a virus two weeks back and also knew someone whom had a stomach virus flu thing....

Are you due on?


20-03-12, 14:21
no not for a couple of weeks, it got worse after a personal episode with my partner if you know what I mean and I have done a bit of walking recently, but its cramps but at the moment even though I have had paracetamol, I feel shakey and no appetite, horrible coating on my tongue and generally unwell, panicing, hate being ill and always think the worst. I woke up at 3am and had to have paracetamol and couldn't get back to sleep til 5, so I am tired aswell.

20-03-12, 14:30
Could be a mixture of being unwell and having panic attacks. When the GP calls make sure you describe the symptoms clear as possible...write them down so you don't forget.

I really wouldn't worry as before some bugs having been going around. The GP may ask to see you but this isn't a bad thing so please don't panic if that's the case. Prob will want to check your temp and BP...

I'm ill all the time and my and anxiety is really bad because of it...just had a panic attack which I think is just starting to calm down now....

I'm gonna see my GP again ASAP....