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View Full Version : Im scared, please help me.

20-03-12, 22:02
My head feels weird, the right side feels hot, numb, tingly and I have pains in it. It feels like its empty but at the same time I am scared I have a brain tumour. My right arm feels numb and aches, my right shoulder aches and so does my right ear, my neck feels weird to, I keep having numb hot spots on my face. Is this normal anxiety because it does not feel like it.
Im terrified something is really wrong Im so scared. I dont want to sleep in case I dont wake up. What should I do.
I am trying to calm down and stop panicking but I can't stop thinking about it. My head feels so tingly like big tingles, it sounds stupid but I don't know how to explain.
What should I do, Im scared.

---------- Post added at 22:02 ---------- Previous post was at 21:46 ----------

Anyone? I know this isnt real, its my anxiety again, but I feel so scared. I feel sick now my face and neck keep getting all hot and its making me panic even more.

20-03-12, 23:52
Hannah, I constantly feel this too. I get horrible shooting pains in my head that come out of nowhere and half of my face and body feels weak even though I can move it perfectly fine. I get prickly bits all over my scalp and face, not only during an attack but throughout the day too. I'm afraid of going to sleep when this happens as well in case I wake up sicker or in case I die. They are real symptoms, but they don't mean anything.. but no matter how hard we try to convince ourselves that it never really works does it? Anxiety sucks :(

21-03-12, 03:21
The right side of your brain controls the left side of your body.

21-03-12, 09:38
Hi Hannah

I had something similar to this too, I woke up 2 mornings on the trot with one side of my head and face completely numb, it frightened me so much, I thought I'd had a stroke. As soon as I started moving it came round again. I went to my GP the same day and he told me it was a trapped nerve in my neck.

Hope this helps reassure you.

Mary x

21-03-12, 10:50
Hi i am having similar symptoms at the minute and it does scare me too, even though i know they are caused by my excessive stress and anxiety. I know this because i went through it about seven yars ago aswell. My face keeps having tingling sensations usually on one side on my forehead under my eye and on my lip, sometimes its on the other side and smetimes both sides it tends to come and go but sometimes can be there all day. I have come to notice if i get anxious about it it gets worse. I get hot and cold sensations too but im just trying to ignore it all. My neck hurts and my right shoulder is really aching at the moment. Its been like this since january wen i became over anxious about some swollen lymphglands after a virus. Im still anxious about it but trying to ignore it all as i have been to gp and had ultr sound scan which i paid privatley for as i was so worried. The neck stuff and facial sensations my GP puts down to stress and anxiety. Its always best to get these things checked out by your GP but my bet is its anxiety. As i write this im starting to tingle on the opposite side! Proberbly because im thinking about it. I did find a website wich lists about a million anxiety symptoms and it does list what we have.

hope you feel well soon x

---------- Post added at 10:50 ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 ----------

I agree with michelle ANXIETY DOES SUCK!!!!!!!

21-03-12, 13:36
wow I read this and it sounds like my symptoms - except mine is all on the left side. I started with headaches a few weeks back and then they went away so I was happy and thought I could move on. then last friday night while out for dinner at a friends house i felt like my whole left side was week especially my hand/arm. I was able to stand up and get to the washroom but I felt awful. Just prior to that I had felt a little dizzy. I thought I was having a stroke.

since then, I have had other weak episodes. yesterday was the worst because I had about 4 of these spells. even though I am feeling these sensations I haven't actually noticed any loss of function anywhere but of course I am expecting this to happen at any time.

I have kept a symptom journal of the years which i think is a good idea. I can look back (since 1996) and see other times where the left side of my body felt weak but eventually it got better (or I went on Paxil and it got better). So it helps me to see that I have had these same feelings before.

Of course, when you look back it seems like back then wasnt as bad as it is now but I try to remember that it was really bad back then and I did really think that something was wrong with me.

It is so hard to imagine that anxiety and panic can do these kind of symptoms in your body. I am just so frightened now that something is going to happen and then I will not be able to attribute it to panic - like I won't be able to use my arm all of a sudden or I will start slurring my words or not be able to walk.

I saw my doctor last week - she doesn't think I have a bt. went through the neuro tests that they do in the office and she said that there is no sign of anything. she said if anything gets worse to come back. My iron is kind of low (vegan) so she started me on iron supplements. I keep trying to tell myself that some of my symptoms could be due to low iron, including headaches, tingling etc.

It is helpful to read about others who have the same symptoms.