View Full Version : Blood Pressure help

20-03-12, 23:51
I have HA pretty bad at times, but lately its been great. So much so that I even started back on my old birth control that I hadn't been on for fear of heart attack or stroke. I had a great night sleep last night and had possibly the best day I've had in a while.

Usually my blood pressure is 110 over 60. Always around there. I started taking my birth control a month ago, and was off it last week for the inactive pills. I started the active pills 2 days ago. I have had my heart palpitations come back in the last 2 days, but I dont think its the birth control, as they werent there this whole last month.

I took my blood pressure an hour ago because I felt nauseated and hot, and my bp was 132 over 90. I wasn't very anxious at the time. I took it on the other arm and got almost the same thing. I took it again 2 minutes later and it was down a tiny bit ( 122 over 78) but now I'm worried. Has anyone else ever experienced this before, when they weren't feeling particularly anxious?

I'm so used to symptoms that arent real, now I have a true number in front of me and I'm scared. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

21-03-12, 00:30
Hi Danii, I suffer from high BP and take tablets for it. In the early days I used to take my own BP and always found it fluctuated. This used to worry me and then of course it would go up more. You've obviously been doing really well lately, try not to let this worry you. BP can go up and down alot during the course of the day naturally. The readings you got are not that high anyway. If you are still concerned, go and see your GP for some reassurance. I don't really know about the pill so I can't advise you on that. Please don't let this scare you hun...you've come so far, well done!! Kitti :)