View Full Version : Smoking....

21-03-12, 00:14
So I have had flu for about a week and I have been unable to smoke which is obviously fine as iv been meaning to give up and I don't feel like a cigarette anyways. Just wondering iv been feeling dizzy, really bad heart/throatburn and headaches, are these all symptoms of the nictotine coming out my body? I still have a little cough and cold from the flu but my temperature is back to normal. Thanks :)


21-03-12, 00:43
More likely to be to do with your flu, it can linger for ages...you could have blocked sinuses, this can give you headaches too. Well done for not smoking!! Kitti :)

21-03-12, 00:51
Having quit smoking a little over 15 months ago I can tell you getting dizzy is DEFINITELY something I experienced. I read it had something to do with the body being able to process oxygen better or something. Eventually it passed though. Your anxiety also increases during the withdrawal process regardless if you feel like a smoke or not, causing you to feel greater stress, etc. I experienced a lot of headaches during my withdrawal. Heartburn for me is almost always associated with stress (apart from fatty foods, etc) so perhaps this is also a symptom of withdrawal and related stress.

It could also have everything to do with the post above, either way I wouldn't worry too much about it.

21-03-12, 01:14
Aww thank you for the replies, yeah I'm not worried just hope I can carry it on the cravings have started now lol so hope I can maintain some willpower and soldier on :/

rock chick
21-03-12, 01:47
Alright I'm currently still smoking but I'm one of those who really want to quit to am scared to. Anyway I did lots of research about the whole thing and most of the nicotine is out of your system within 3 days, so after that the cravings are basically psychological. I wouldn't try to just get through on willpower alone, I'm not saying take any smoking cessation related drugs or NRT because like I said the physical part is mostly over but I'm talking about a whole change of mindset about smoking. Don't see it as giving up something but gaining freedom from the addiction.

Now if only I would take my own advice, I did almost go a day on the patch but gave up too soon, you can do it, you've got through a week, that's worth celebrating even if it feels like not much.

One further thing, often but not always and not always at the same rate you'll get lots of crap being coughed up as your lungs start to clean themselves. Just saying if you keep getting a bit of that after the flu it's a common thing.

Finally, this website is one of the ones I've looked at many of its articles and it's very helpful for quitting and keeping the quit. http://www.whyquit.com (http://www.whyquit.com/)

I don't agree with the no NRT or smoking cessation drugs part (although they have very good points about it not being always being the way to go) but most of the advice and information is gold.

21-03-12, 05:49
Once you suddenly stopped smoking, then all these are common problems to experience..........But that's great news to hear that you have stopped smoking.