View Full Version : Mouth Cancer Fear

21-03-12, 00:28
Hi All,

I'll tell you a little about myself first, I’ve suffered with Health Anxiety for a long time however the past two years have been the worst, since my first panic attack. I've been great for the past few months thanks to some CBT therapy from my psychologist however a new fear has reared it ugly little head which I’m hoping someone on here might be able to help me with.

Last year I noticed two firm movable lumps under my tongue, on the base of my mouth on each side (next to the little muscle bit that seems to join the tongue to the base of the mouth, if that makes sense). I wasn't worried at first because i'm positive I’ve at the very least had them for a long time if not always. They are both in the same position as each other on each side. One is bigger though, almost double in size (although my anxiety might be over exaggerating that. After a few days of worry I took myself of to the first doctor I could find open (it was a Sunday) I explained where they were I opened my mouth and he immediately dismissed them as salivary glands and said not to worry about them. I asked if it was normal that they were difference sizes/shape and he said once again they are fine.

Does anyone else have these? Am I just worried over nothing (as I ALWAYS have been in the past)

Thanks in advance for your responses.

21-03-12, 00:32
You have proberly had them all your life just never noticed them as you wasn't anxious? Anxiety makes you feel/see/touch weird things and mind ****s you. You have been to your doctor now relax, I should imagine if it was mouth cancer you would know about it. Anyways good luck!

22-03-12, 10:29
Hi there,

I have one of these exactly as you describe - Ive always had it. Do you have regular dental checks? They always check for abnormalities in yer gob so would have picked up on it if anything were amiss.

22-03-12, 11:39
I'm not a doc and can't diagnose, but a couple years back I had a total meltdown because I found a lump on the base of my tongue and it was only on one side. I was terrified for months and finally got into the doctor, who laughed and said it was a lingual tonsil. I had all of my tonsils removed as a baby, but this one decided to grow back and it was perfectly normal. Mine was way in the back if I twisted my tongue I could see it down at the bottom kind of near the back molars.