View Full Version : Will it ever go?

21-03-12, 10:58
Been doing well, increased sertraline to 100mg felt good. Have had follicutis since before xmas and been given anti biotics, it didn't really help but I wasn't too stressed. The boils have spread to my breasts and the sertraline helped me cope with something I would previously have gone to pieces over. Last night I thought I felt a lump so I pushed and pressed and went hot and cold. This morning I went to the GP mentioned the boils and the lump in my breast. He took one finger and touched it and said it was a spot. Massive relief but then he asks if I have breast problems in the family, prescribes anti biotics for the boils and says to see him in 2 weeks to see of the lump and boils have gone.

As a HA sufferer this is not enough certainty for me. i want answers now! dammit! What a horrible condition this is. i know I'm alright but that little voice is nagging at me, you know 'he knows somerhing I don't know'. I can rationalise this condition so wny does it still scare me?