View Full Version : Constant tension

21-03-12, 12:25

Does anyone else have constant tension and stiffness.

My neck and shoulders are so tense, I am always tense and stiff even when I don't realise, I will feel relaxed, not stressed or anxious, yet if I really stop and notice I will be stiff, or my jaw will be clenched or shoulders hunched, even if I feel relaxed.

Anyone feel the same?

21-03-12, 12:38
Totally empathise with you AthousandMilesAway I am the same for 2 years now. Last night I slept awkwardly on my pillow so my neck and back are worse than ever. I've started to give my clenched jaw a break by breathing through my mouth for a few minutes or sticking my Tongue between my teeth. My whole body is in tension And I don't realise it, which is why I am trying to do mindful meditation and being mindful throughout the day. It's weird you can realise you are tense then relax the shoulders but within moments somehow they have tensed up around your ears again without noticing. How doyou unwind ?

21-03-12, 12:39
Always tense, shoulders, neck, head, arms, back, legs, feel, hand, everything always! No relief D=

21-03-12, 12:53
I sometimes put my tounge between my teeth too littlemisssleepy so I dontgrind my teeth! And im always so tired!

I go for regular massage therapy but within a week im tense again!

21-03-12, 13:15
You are not alone! This describes me perfectly. My shoulders hurt to the touch they are so tense and my lower back, knees, neck... I'm glad massage gives you some temporary relief. I find being massaged makes me panic though so I don't often do that.

I heard that we need to find a way to release all the tension held in our bodies that is activated by the constant 'fight/flight/freeze' hormones we anxious people pump out. Nature intended us to spend that energy fighting or fleeing but instead it just is held in our bodies.

I find dancing really helps me release alot of body held anxiety and tension. I do the 5 rhythms dancing therapy developed by Gabrielle Roth. It works wonders for me when I can go. :hugs:

21-03-12, 13:15
I am a tense person, always have been as far back as when I was a young teen, my mam noticed that I was always clenching my fists and since doing CBT I have noticed I do it with my feet, arms the lot.

I have gone to physio as I have alot of problems and I have a tight thoracic spine which isn't helping which can cause alot of problems with headaches and so on.

Might be worth going to physio, possibly private if you can as NHS can't do much other than tell you what exercises to do

21-03-12, 13:21
Yeah I had a panic attack on the massage table the last time I went...!