View Full Version : low pelvic ache

21-03-12, 12:53
I am having a lot of low pelvic pain at the moment. I also have low backache and quite severe nocturnal sciatica down one leg. I have had a complete hysterectomy and do have mild IBS (sometimes acute painful spasms but generally wind, constipation). This pelvic ache seems to mimic period pain. I did have endrometriosis before my hysterectomy and have heard that it does sometimes attach itself to other organs(bowel etc.) I am not great at the moment...not wanting to get up in the morning and generally depressed (meds don't seem to be lifting it) I would be grateful for any input whatsoever as I am not in a good place to Google ...fragile enough as it is!! Thanks. :blush:

21-03-12, 15:24
Sorry to hear that you are feeling so low. I found your post really interesting coz I also suffer from ibs and sciatica type pain/back ache. My backache/sciatica can also seem worse when I have problems with my ibs (like you I mainly have wind/constipation). Also, im never sure if all this brings on anxiety depression or if its the other way around!? I havent had a hysterectomy so im afraid I cant offer any help there but thought it may help you to know that there is somrone else out there with similar symptoms!

21-03-12, 17:22
Thanks Wendypop...this is why I love the folk on this site. I have never been left thinking that no one cares or understands....there is always a helpful and supportive answer like yours and for that I am grateful.:hugs:

21-03-12, 21:44
I have the same thing on and off, and it's back on at the moment! I have flare ups of my IBS and pelvic and low back and groin pain all at same time. My physio says my sacroiliac joint is out of alignment and it's causing a lot of the pain including groin pain. The IBS just makes it all feel worse, as well as fact I also have fibromyalgia which is bad in my thigh area!

22-03-12, 10:33
Aussie 11. Gosh, I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia also and it is so difficult to decide from where the pain comes! I know there can be referred pain fom one area to another, and I am pretty decent at living with the regular, chronic pain and stiffness. It is when something new rears it's ugly head and you wonder if the fibro and IBS pain and discomfot is masking something sinister. Thanks for reply

22-03-12, 21:10
I have been getting indegestion type pain near my ribs and horrible sciatica type pain in my lower back and legs, tingling down to my toes. It's horrible no idea what it is but no likey xxx