21-03-12, 16:55
I think I may have a Highly sensitive personality.

I have severe social anxiety, ADD. I might have avpd And I get easily overstimulated.
Do these sound like characteristics of the HIGHLY SENSITIVE PERSON?:

I have acute hearing, I get startled VERY easily over the littlest sounds, even when I am anticipating them. and I think I am sensitive to light(i wear glasses) I am a very picky eater, and dont eat much I like odd foods. I think this is because I may be a supertaster? I think I am sensitive to pain. When I have a hot beverage, it takes forever for it to be cool enough to drink, while other people easily drink hot things. I cry very easily, I have very thin skin, im almost always anxious. My heart is always racing along with my thoughts. I hate making eye contact its very distraacting because i cant concentrate of what the people are saying, and then i feel like im staring. I get dizzy and nauseous easily, i don't like rides because of this. I tend to be a very abnormally quiet person, (i think i used to have selective mutism)
I laugh easily, my face gets red easily from emotions. I don't ever have enough energy, i fatigue easily. I absorb Other peoples emotions all too easily. I'm paranoid. I get distracted easily. I hate my voice. I cant concentrate that well. I have very messy writing no matter how hard I try.
I have so many problems. I suck at sports. Im awkward and this world its extremely overwhelming.
I don't even know If this is ADD or something else?

21-03-12, 17:08
Sounds like you've got a lot going on there !

I thought I saw on another thread that you had been diagnosed ADD ?

21-03-12, 17:10
yes but im a bit skeptical

21-03-12, 17:12
80mg of Prozac is enough to make anyone sensitive - you must tell your GP of this seriously it is not legal for you to take this.

21-03-12, 17:14