View Full Version : has anyone had/got this sore throat bug?

21-03-12, 19:55
I'm just wondering because for about a week and a half now I've had the most painful sore throat, it reminds me slightly of when I had tonsilitus as a child. I can still swollow but it's quite painful to do so right at the moment, maybe because I've been laughing/talking alot this afternoon but still!
I had a full on cold this time last week but bar abit of a snuffle I'm fine now except for this damn throat! It doesn't seem to make sense to me and just wondered if anyone else has maybe had it? I've noticed alot of people saying they've got sore throats at the moment so just wondering if it's a bug or what :shrug:it's not like anything I've had before and I've had alot of colds and bugs haha!

22-03-12, 01:50
Sounds like tonsilitis! Get some difflam mouth wash and gargle it twice a day. If it's not gone within three days of that then I'd check with the doc to see what they say!

22-03-12, 19:16
I'm not sure if it might be similar to me because I'm a different kettle of fish completely but I had a sore throat for about 2 and a half weeks just recently and it's gone now. I suffer from acid reflux though so it could well have been that, but it was very annoying!

Gargle salt water if it helps... either way to ease your mind I did get it checked at the docs and they said they couldn't see any problem! I'd say give it a bit longer and then if it doesn't go then go back to the doctor... or especially if it gets worse!

25-03-12, 08:55
Thanks for the replies. Luckily it seems to be just about gone now :)