View Full Version : A "little" bit of success

eternally optimistic
21-03-12, 20:42
Today, I had to do parents evenings with lots of appointments and loads of people about.

Although the appointments and people wasnt usually an issue, the fear factor of freaking while in this position has worried me for the last 6 years.

Anyway, whilst I was always happy to do this when the kids were younger, on my own, I have struggled to do this with my husband for last 6 years. So, today, I DID it without any fear of the fear of having a pulsating chest or fuzzy head, not being able to focus.

Whilst this a teeny weeny achievement, and one I am real proud of, I hope this gives hope to anyone who has in the past avoided doing stuff on their own.

Thank you citalopram, although I am hoping I had some part in it too.:D

21-03-12, 21:00
Well done Jay ann. :hugs:

28-03-12, 21:05
Well done Jay Ann that's not a small thing you managed to achieve, it's mammoth! Don't belittle you're achievement and let the good work and improvement grow xxxx

You've had a massive success and enjoy th feeling of pride you should have xxx

29-03-12, 12:12
Well done Jay Ann! Conratulations. Every little step is a huge success, and I'm super happy to hear that you're moving forward :)