View Full Version : driving test on monday feeling sick to my stomach

22-03-12, 11:13
I feel very depressed and down today & I've been crying all morning.
After experiencing a crash on my lesson once I have been a wreck ever since.
I'm really thinking of cancelling but I've thrown so much money at it & I want to be able to drive myself around and be independent.
I'm so frightened of humiliating myself or doing something stupid. I don't know what to do.

22-03-12, 12:22
I'm sorry to hear about how worried you are. Are you able to practice some more in someone else's car? Maybe on a quiet road or car park, just so you can practice at your own pace, without the pressure of being on a lesson. I'm sure you can drive very well or you wouldn't have been put forward to your test yet. Maybe a friend or family member could give you a mock-test as such, e.g. to ask you to do what they ask of in a test, reverse round corner etc etc (sorry, it's a while since I did my test).
I'm sure you will feel a huge sense of relief when you have finished the test. I know I was very nervous on my test but I did absolutely fine and passed first time.
I wish you the best of luck x

22-03-12, 12:29
could you maybe ask your gp for something to calm you down, maybe propanolol, which will help with the anxiety.

we are stronger than we think, please don't cancel and put all that hard work to waste, you can do it, and good luck, just think how good you'll feel when you pass :D

22-03-12, 12:37
Hi there,

You can do it! I know how awful the driving test can be but it'll be worth it when you pass and can go anywhere you like whenever you want to.

Good luck!

Pip x

22-03-12, 13:11
Thanks guys.

I am taking Bachs rescue remedy (mouth drops) to help with the nerves but to be honest lets just say I haven't taken to driving very easily...my problem is that I am very unco-ordinated, clumsy and don't know my left from my right very well. I also don't have very much spacial (sp?) awareness and so that puts me in trouble as I'm always getting too close to the parked cars especially down a road with cars parked on either side. I'm not sure if she thinks I'm ready or not but I've had so many lessons now it would be stupid if I didn't go in for it at any point.
I dread to think how much money I've paid her for lessons.

This test has worked out to be £160 altogether, I can't afford to fail and book another one right away.
P.s. dont have a car to practice in as my dads is an audi and very expensive and my mum doesn't drive. I can't afford my own just yet either

22-03-12, 14:06

I thought id reply to you as you are going what i went through last june, and i really made myself ill. I actually cancelled my first test as i couldnt function at all due to the anxiety. I then re-booked and was determined to get through it even if i panicked and had to pull over. My driving instructer knew how bad i was with nerves and he said if you get really anxious and need to pull over they will let you do that as long as you pull over safely you wont get marked down. This made me feel better. Everybodies nervous but we take it to another level. I too tryed the rescue remedy which didnt work for me but i found 2mg of diazepam i had left over. I took this 2 hours before my test to see how it affected me, it calmed me down a little but not completely. But you need some anxiety to keep you alert and aware. I actually passed first time after all tht!! I also actually enjoyed my test, the man was known being grumpy but i chatted to him all the way round as i chat more when im anxious and he was actually very nice. Im so glad i did it, its something i never thught id be able to do, i love driving my car now and even go on the motorway, but i used to hate lessons i actually was sick before my first few.

if i can do it anybody can-seriously

good luck, let us know how you do. xx

24-03-12, 15:53
The thing is with me, I'm no good at anything physical. And this coupled with anxiety is a recipe for disaster.
I'm in such a state I'm actually thinking about nor turning up on the day. I hate having sole control of the vehicle , although the car has dual pedals.
I'm appaualing at manouveres and awful at co ordination.
I'm really thinking about cancelling it.

24-03-12, 16:07
Dont cancel it. When i cancelled mine i was so annoyed at myself i cried all the time. If you fail, you fail so what? Do it again. If you have to pull over, so what, carry on when your calm. You have absolutley nothing to lose, you can gain experience of what the test is like. Its actually ok, i enjoyed mine after all the anxiety about it.

eight days a week
24-03-12, 16:31
Don't cancel!

Sometimes the toughest things in life can actually be helped by anxiety I think (even if it certainly doesn't feel like it at the time!) I remember not sleeping for days before my driving test and uni finals, for example, but passed them all with flying colours (even though I felt absolutely rubbish!)

Good luck, and if you don't pass this time it's NOT the end of the world. You will just take it again and the experience will help you a great deal :)

Let us know how you get on please!

24-03-12, 18:50
It took me 4 times don't give up you might feel okay and luck might be on your side. :)

25-03-12, 10:46
No --don't give up girlafraid. I never learned to drive. Big regret. i could not possibly learn now, my nerves are bad and i am far to old. i have not got the indepence that i would have liked to have over the years.

25-03-12, 22:00
It's tomorrow guys and I'm feeling like I'm in an anxious pit of despair.
I don't want to do it, every fibre of my body is screaming at me to ring my instructor and cancel it all.

I don't know why I decided to get back into the car after the horrendous accident I had. I will never be a capable driver because the nerves will get the better of me, especially since the accident happened...

These days you're failed on every tiny mistake, my friend got a minor for looking in her mirrors TOO much! You can also be failed for hesitating at a roundabout if you think the gap isn't big enough for you to go but the person doing the exam thinks it was! To be honest I think its purely opinion and luck on the day and don't see how all those driving lessons can be condensed and judged in a 40 minute test.
God I feel like crying my heart is beating out of my chest, I don't even care about passing anymore I just want to stop my body feeling so anxious. I don't know why I can't be more normal.

---------- Post added at 22:00 ---------- Previous post was at 19:43 ----------

Can anyone help? I can't sleep :(

25-03-12, 22:54
hiya good luck for tomorrow, i know you are feeling anxious, try to put some soft soothing music on, and rest and listen to it, even in bed, try to get a good nights sleep, and you will feel better for it, everyone is nervous when they take their driving test, but it is worse when you suffer anxiety.

you will be a capable driver, and you will get through tomorrow, you are stronger than you think, we all are because we cope with anxiety, just think the examiner could be a sufferer too, use your rescue remedy , take deep breaths, and go for it, and good luck, just think how pleased you will be when you have done it xx