View Full Version : Low Blood Pressure, worried

22-03-12, 12:19
Hey guys, so I just woke up to go to school and decided to test my bp. It was 98/80. It completely freaked me as I've never had the too number so low.

I retested it after panicking and it shot up to 121/78. My pulse was 95 for both readings.

Would it be because I just woke up and that's why?

22-03-12, 12:23
Hello ,
I just wanted to reassure u that that blood pressure reading is absolutely normal. Mine is like that all the time and sometimes slightly lower reading than that.
That is a healthy reading
Take care

22-03-12, 12:26
Blood pressure flactuates all through the day sometime's mine is really low then the next reading shoots up. Hope this helps :)

paula lynne
22-03-12, 13:30
One thing Id like to say...stop testing your own blood pressure, please get rid of the machine. You will now be caught up in a never ending circle of worry, and keep testing..........please, do yourself a favour. Your Bp fluctuates several times during the day, on waking, standing up, walking, resting, in the shower, eating a meal, .....

(unless of course you have the machine due to a long-standing medical condition and your doctor has advised you to take your own BP.....in which case, ignore my advice!)
You are fine x

22-03-12, 13:34
I have the same blood pressure readings (especially in the morning and at night before I fall asleep). Been to several doctors who all say it's fine. If you begin to experience and lightheadness or dizziness because of it, try a salty snack and it will go up a bit and take away those feelings. All doctors I have spoken to agree... Lower-end normal bp (which is what you have) is better than high bp... Especially if you don't have any other symptoms with it. I bet once you get up, eat and move around a bit it will go up a little. Hope this helps!