View Full Version : Travel

28-06-06, 17:07
Hi all, thanks for the friendly welcome, feeling better already.
Anybody had problems with travel?, I had a bad panic attack before take off in an aircraft about 3 years ago, still can't face it.


28-06-06, 23:02
I used to hate flying as i have vertigo, i would get worked up and nervous before every flight. i took loads of travel meds, they basically knocked me out! Now i try and get a window seat, I spot a building or something on the ground and focus on that during take off, it has helped me enormously.

Take care

'This too will pass'

marie ross
28-06-06, 23:45
Hi Dave,

I hate flying, but managed to endure a 9 hour flight to Jamaica last year. I worried myself sick for weeks beforehand, we were travelling with about 15 other people and they all knew how nervous i was, and tried to make me relax and make me laugh which helped (plus the vodkas!!!)

I was nearly physically sick when we had to board, but my two young children were with me and they had never flown before so i had to be brave for them, i did'nt want to scare them into never flying again. Once i was sat down, there was'nt a lot i could do really, i just thought, well i'm here now, there's nothing more i can do. And you know what, i was fine, i read a lot and watched a few films and walked around a lot, and before i knew it, it was time to land.

I know its scary if you hate flying, but the best you can do is just to try, if you can't manage it, don't worry about it, just try again another time. On the flight back i took a sleeping pill because it was a night flight and everyone was sleeping and i felt alone (had no-one to talk to) I don't remember the flight back, just taking off and being woken up when we landed.

Hope you manage to overcome you fear.

Take care.

Marie XXX

I also took Rescue Remedy if i did feel a bit panicky, but it only needed to use it a few times.